Chapter 42

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aiden's POV

I was alone in nothing but a white room. In a distance I could see a person. They looked familiar. I walked towards them and I knew exactly who it was. "Mom?" I said "Honey." she said hugging me. "Where am I?" I asked "You're with me now." she said smiling "What am I doing here?" " "You're here so we can talk." "Talk about what?" "You and Justin." she simply said "There's nothing to talk about." "Yes there is, but first of all why would you listen to Selena?" "Mom, I love Justin and I know he loves his career more than anything. If that tape were to link it would crush his career and that would crush him. "Honey you should have talked to someone."

"No mom, I could do this on my own." "I know you can, you're a strong girl. Just know Justin didn't mean to do this. You have to forgive him" "I don't know if I can." I said "I know you can." was the last thing she said before she disappeared. "Mom!" I yelled. "Jaiden?" I heard "Mom where are you?" I yelled. "Jaiden calm down." I heard Drew say My eyes shot opened. I seen all my friends standing next to me. "Where am I?" I asked "You're in Denver hospital." A doctor said "What happened?" " A drunk driver hit your car, and you were really hurt." she said "Am I okay?" I asked "You're fine, I just have to check something, tell me if you feel this." she said running a pen up and down my legs.

"No, Why can't I feel it." I said starting to panic. I started losing my breath. "Jaiden you need to calm down." the doctor said putting the oxygen mask on me. "Jaiden we need to run more test to make sure you're not paralyzed permanently, or if there is a slight percent chance you'll walk again." she said I felt tears running down my cheeks. "Can I please be left alone." I said. Everyone nodded and left the room except for Drew. "Drew I need to be alone." I said "No Jaiden, I feel guilty for leaving you alone all this time. I'm your big brother I should have been with you." he said crying. "Drew ever since we were little all you did was take care of me, this isn't your fault." I said caressing his cheek. "We're going to get through this together." I added "I know you will, you're a strong girl." he said and smiled.

I couldn't help but cry even more. "Why are you crying?" he asked "I saw mom." "You what?" "Yea, you know how when something bad happens you see dead people? Well I saw mom." "What did she say?" "She told me to forgive Justin, but I don't think I can." I said holding on to his hand. "Jaiden you don't have to what he did to you is unforgivable." "But I love him so much that it hurts." I said "I say you talk to him. He's waiting outside and he told Lexi he's not going back on tour until you see him." I didn't want to see Justin, but if I didn't he wouldn't go back on tour and his fans will hate me even more than they already do. "Does he know about Selena?" I asked "No." he simply said Tell him to come in." I whispered. He nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving.

I looked down at my hand and noticed I still had Justin's promise ring on. There was a light knock on the door. I slowly looked up and my eyes met with Justin's. "Come in." I said. He half smiled and walked to an empty stool next to me. He reached over to grabbed my hand but I quickly removed it. We were both quite for a couple of minutes until he broke the silence. "Justin, I know you" "Jaiden you're more important than anything in the world to me. You know I would take a bullet for you." "I know but I took a bullet for you, I can't let you risk your career for me." I said "Jaiden about tonight I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." he said, but I didn't say anything all I did was cry. "Please forgive me." he said with tears falling out of his eyes.

"I don't think I can. I promised myself that after everything with Becky I would stop cutting, but tonight you were the one that made me start again." I said showing him. "Jaiden why?" "Don't you see! Everything she ever did to me made me feel worthless that there was no point in living, and yesterday what you did to me made me feel the same way all over again." I yelled "What do I have to do in order for you to forgive me?" "You need to leave me, and go back on tour." I said giving him back the promise ring "No Jaiden I'm not leaving. You need me." "I'm leaving the music business, and I'm leaving you for good like you wanted." "Jaiden that's not what I want." "You made it clear, I'm dead to you. So why can't you just leave and forget about me?" I asked "Because I love you." he said looking down "But I don't, so leave." I said harshly "Jaiden." "I said leave!" I yelled. "No." "Justin you either get out or security will get you out." I said

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