Chapter 57

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back of the chair. What the hell? Where am I? I tried to untie my hands but it was useless. "Hello!" I yelled I tried untying myself again but it was no use. "Justin if this is some sort of game it's not funny!" I yelled squirming around the chair. A door opened but I couldn't see who it was. They were wearing a black hoodie and jeans. "Do I even know you?" I asked them when I saw who they were. "No, but I know you very well." "What? Who the hell are you and why am I tied up?"

"You'll have your answers soon." "Soon? What the fuck just let me go!" I shouted "Honey, you're not leaving until I get my money." Money I don’t know this guy, how the hell do I owe him money if I don’t know him. "You know Drew." "Yea and your brother Drew owes me money." "Listen Drew is in rehab, I have the money just let me go and I'll get it for you."

 "You have a hundred thousand dollars?" he asked "A hundred thousand dollars are you crazy? Drew told me he owed you ten thousand dollars." "He did but he took a few months without paying me and I had to add interest so it is now a hundred thousand dollars." "Listen here whatever your name is, I don't have that kind of money." "Sure you don't, you're Jaiden Santana. You're engaged to Justin Bieber, I'm pretty sure he has the money." "He has nothing to do with

this." I growled. Justin and I might not be together but I still care about him and there is no way he is getting involved in this.  "If it means I get my money he has to do everything with it." he laughed. "If you get him involved I swear to god I will hurt you." "Hurt me? I am more powerful than you." "You don't know me." "Oh but I do, I know how your alcoholic father left you and your family, how your drug addict of a mother over dosing, your perfect fiancé cheating on you.

 I know everything about your pathetic little life." he said running a knife on my jaw. How the hell does this low life know every single detail about my life. "Listen, I'll be back later. I am going to have a talk to your boyfriend." "Do anything to him and I.." "You will hurt me. Yea I know." he said mocking me. He left the room leaving me alone again. Who knows what this crazy guy will do to me I have to get out of here and fast.

Justin's POV

"Honey I'm home." I yelled when I walked into Jaiden's house. The only reason I kept doing these things is to make her mad and make her forgive me. It's noon and Jaiden should be up by now. I walked up to her bedroom to wake her up but she wasn't there and her bed wasn't made either. Knowing Jaiden I know how much she hated leaving her bed unmade. She must have been in a hurry going somewhere. I walked back downstairs and turned on the T.V. I was about to sit down when the doorbell rang. Must be Ryan, I did invite him. "Who the hell are you?" I asked when I saw this stranger standing at Jaiden's door. She better have not slept with him. "Calm down pretty boy, I didn’t fuck her." he said

 pushing his way through her door. Who the hell is this kid? "Listen here, I don't know who you are, and Jaiden isn't here so you'll have to come back later." I warned "Who said I was here to see Jaiden?" "If you're not here to see her, then why are you here?" I asked but he left into the living room before answering my question. I closed the door and followed him. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Coming into this house like if he owns it. "Then who are you looking for?

Drew isn't here either." "Nigga, I'm here to talk to you." he said smirking "I don't even know who you are, what do you possible have to say to me?" "How about that I have your girlfriend, not the slut of Maddison but the beautiful Jaiden Santana." he said taking out a gun What could he possibly want with Jaiden? "What did she do to you?" "Well her brother owes me money, and I'm keeping her hostage until I get my money." "I'll have the ten thousand by today."

"I'm sorry but it's no longer 10k its now 100k." "100 thousand are you fucking kidding me? I can't get that kind of money today." "She doesn't want your help, so I'm doing as she wishes. I'm just here to let you know where she is, and if you get the cops involved I will kill her." he warned. " I will give you 150 thousand if you let me give you the money." 'No

way." "You fucking bastard!" I said throwing him to the wall and clenching onto his shirt. "You hurt her and I swear to god I will kill you with my bare two hand." I yelled in his face. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I fell to the ground. He shot me. "You fucking shot me!" I yelled in pain. "Yea, I don't like being threatened. Now listen here, if I don’t get my money in a couple of days I will kill her. But every hour I don’t see me money, I will torture her." he warned before leaving me there to die. I struggled but I reached for my phone and dialed 911.

Jaiden's POV

I heard keys shuffling behind a door and I knew he was back. He walked in with a gun in his hands and I starts getting worried. Was he going to kill me? Or did he kill someone? "What did you do to him?" I asked "Oh don't worry he'll survive." he said with a smirk on his face "oh my god, what the hell did you do to him!" I yelled He turned on the T.V.

Every channel had Justin on news. "Justin Bieber was found shot in singer Jaiden Santana's home just minutes ago, no news yet on how or who shot him, most  importantly where is Bieber's Fiancé?" He didn't "You fucking shot him! I'm going to fucking kill you when I get out of here!" I said trying to untie myself for the hundred time. "Kill me? You wish,

I've been shot so many times and I've survived every one of them. What makes you think you can kill me?" "I will personally get a gun and put a bullet in your head if he dies." I growled "Why? I would think you would thank me, since you know he cheated on you." "He might have cheated on me but I don't want him dead!" "You're going to be dead if I

don't get my money." "I rather be dead than seeing him dead." "Well then someone's feisty. Don't worry you will be soon." he said getting close to me. "What are you doing?" He took out a blade and slide it on my thigh over and over.

 It stung so bad, I know I've done this to my wrists but this is a much worse pain. Pain that I would take to see Justin survive. I didn’t yell because that will only give him what he wants. And what he wants is to see me suffer. I held the pain inside and kept quiet. "Now I'm going to take a nap and you keep quiet." he said harshly. He walked away to a separate room, I needed to see how Justin is doing I thought. All I wanted right now was to be by his side and never leave him.

 I don't care if he cheated on me, I love him to not see him by my side. Knowing that I'm the reason he's in the hospital kills me. Everyone around me is always getting hurt, if I get out of here I'm not getting attached to no one. It will make it harder to see them get hurt than to see them happy. If I don’t get out of here, I hope Justin finds someone that makes him happy as he made me.

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