Chapter 58

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Justin's POV

I didn’t open my eyes because I couldn’t face where I was and how I was. I could feel the presence of someone next to me. I could hear them crying as well. I opened my eyes and my mom was sitting next to me. I tried sitting up but she stopped me. "Honey you can't move, you just had surgery." Surgery? I looked down and remembered  that, that son of a bitch shot me. "Mom I need to find Jaiden, she's in trouble." I panicked, Who knows how long I've been asleep, how long she has been kidnapped, or if she's even alive. "Justin you need to calm down." "You can't tell me to calm down, I need to find her!" I tried getting out of bed but only made it worse since she called the doctor and they came and tied me to

the bed. They injected me with something that made me calm down and feel woozy. Some way somehow I am going to get out of this hospital bed and find my Jaiden. "Mom call Scooter for me." I begged. She was still crying harder than before. "Mom please this is important." I whispered. "Okay, but please stay calm." she begged. I nodded and she kissed my forehead before walking out to get the only person that can help me right now. Scooter walked in and took my mother's seat. "How long have I been out?" I asked scared to know the answer. "About a week." A week! Jaiden could

be dead by now. "Have you not thought about Jaiden!" I yelled. "Justin the cops know nothing about her or the guy that shot you. Drew doesn’t know the guy at all. So basically she's nowhere to be found." "Listen to me, deposit three hundred thousand dollars into her bank account and call me when it is ready." "Why?" "Don't ask any questions just do what I say!" I started getting frustrated. He sighed and walked out of the room. The problem was now going to be contacting this ass whole.

Jaiden's POV

I don't know how much longer I can survive. I can feel my body shutting down, this past week he has done nothing but beaten me and run the blade all over my body. Half my blood is all over the floor and that doesn’t seem to bother him. It has been harder for me to breath and to keep my eyes open. I just hope Justin is okay. I could feel that any moment I could just die and nothing but Justin is on my mind. I found out Drew's drug dealers name, a couple of his friends came over and said his name. Daniel. Daniel was my worst nightmare, I would let him kill me just to get away from him and my

 family. I heard my phone go off for the first time in a week. Who could it be? Daniel got up from the couch and walked towards it. A smirk appeared on his face when he read the name. "Well If it isn't Justin Bieber." My heart stopped. Why was he calling! Especially getting involved in this. I could only hear Daniels voice and not Justin's. "How are you doing Bieber?" "Oh Jaiden? I don't know man she's not looking so good." "You want to talk to her? I don’t think she has it in her but you can try." he said and put the phone on my ear to hear. I could hear him gasp, he knows I'm weak. "I'm so

sorry." he whispered. I could tell he's tearing up. I try to tell him it's not his fault but I can't. I can't say anything, I simply try to breath. "Keep strong for me, I'll see you soon baby. I love you." were his last words I heard before I finally blacked out and I think stopped breathing.


My eyes shot open when I gasped for air. Someone's lips were on mine, obviously giving me mouth to mouth. I was too weak to push them off but I had a frighten look on my face.  "Ma'am calm down, you're okay. I just called 911." the man said. I looked around and I was laying on the floor in what looked like an ally. Did Daniel really leave here for dead. I could faintly hear the ambulance sirens coming our way. I was starting to lose my breath again, I held to this strangers hand telling him that I couldn’t breathe once again. "Hold on they're almost here." he begged. My vision started getting blurry but I could see the paramedics running my way. They put an oxygen mask on me and picked me up on the gurney.

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