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May POV {before}

It's January now.

I'm off of school until the 23rd of this month which is great.

This year I stayed at my apartment for Christmas. It's not like my parents care if I'm home or not.

Ronnie just left an hour ago and Adam left last week to visit his family.

I'm bored.



Me: are you at your apartment?

Harry: i am

Me: busy?

Harry: my parents are over...

Me: OH


Harry: hm thanks

Harry: i can probably come over your apartment in like an hour tho

Harry: i can say i'm going to the store

Me: i don't want to take away time with your parents

Harry: please do

Harry: my mom keeps asking about you

Me: at least she liked me

Harry: *loves

Me: *ed

Harry: she doesn't hate you

Harry: she thinks i broke up with you lol

Me: :/

Harry: /:

Harry: i'll be over in an hour

Me: okay :)

Harry: 2 ?

Me: two hours?

Harry: 2 condoms

Me: OH

Me: who said we're having sex

Harry: me

Me: rude

Me: maybe i don't want too

Harry: do you not want too?

Me: ...

Me: i was just saying

Harry: ;)

Me: .-.

Me: two is fine

Harry: ;) okay love

Me: ciao

Harry: i'll be over in 5

Me: you said an hour lol

Harry: well

Harry: now i have a boner so

Harry: 5 min


Harry: it's mean to laugh

Me: oh whale

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