Thirty One

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Harry and I sit in the doctors room patiently.

I'm seated on a bed thing that they have at GYN's. I find it funny that they feet rests at the end.

The door is pulled back open with a male. He looks friendly.

"Hi guys." He greets. "I'm Doctor Westfall." His hand extend out to me.

"Hi. I'm uh May." I shake his hand. He looks mid thirties. His hair is a light brown and his eyes are hazel.

"So, from what Harry has told me, you think you might be pregnant?"

"Yes." I reply hesitantly.

"Okay." He pulls his laptop screen up. "Have you taken any pregnancy tests?"

"I took um," I pause to think. "6 tests." His eyes widen. "It's a long story."

"Hm," He chuckles. "Did you take them all at once?"

"No, I took four tests the first time. I did one at at time of course. Half said positive half said negative. Then I did two more, one at a time, they said positive and negative." I explain.

"Well, I'm glad you decided to get an ultrasound just in case because I wouldn't know what any of those results meant either." I smile gently. "Okay, so I need you to lay back for me and raise your shirt.

I do what he says. Harry holds my hand. "I'm going to put the gel on your stomach and I'm going to take a look, okay?"

"Okay." I answer. A lump forms in my throat. My hand begins to shake and Harry squeezes it assuringly.

I feel the little device slide across my stomach. I take deep breaths.

I'm so fucking nervous I might cry. "Um, so pregnancy tests says like 99.9 percent correct on the box most of the time. You fall into the category of the .1 percent of the tests not working."

I look to Harry. His eyes meet mine. "If you look at the screen." Dr. Westfall says. We do. "That's your baby."

Oh my god.

He clicks some stuff and we start hearing the heart beat. Tears prick my eyes. "You look about two months along. Around the four-five month mark you'll know the gender." My hand starts trembling more. "This is the head." He zooms in a little. "The feet." He moves the tool so we can see clearly. "And he or she has some little fingers so far." I bite my lip.

He wipes the gel from my stomach and notices how tense Harry and I look. Dr. Westfall sits back on his little spiny stool. "You both are young people and I know this seems like a lot. I had my first kid when I was 17. I was still in high school, so I kinda know how you guys feel.
I'm going to give you some pamphlets on all your choices and I recommend you take a look if you're unassure on what to do.

I'm going to give you guys some time to talk, I'll be back in a couple of minutes and I'll talk to you both more about doctors appointments, diet, etc when I come back." He stands and leaves the room.

Once I hear the door click shut, I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

"What are you thinking?" Harry asks.

"I-I can't even think straight." I manage to say. "I know nothing about babies or being pregnant and this all too quick. It feels like just yesterday we got back together."

His takes my hand and squeezes it gently. "May, you're not thinking about getting an abortion are you?"

"I don't want one." I answer. "B-but everyone is going to hate me more." I feel my eyes cloud with tears. "Your Mom is going to think I'm ruining your life and my parents are going to call me careless and shit."

"You're not ruining my life, May. Yes, this is unexpected but we'll be okay."

"Harry, I wasn't raised with love and affection. My parents neglected me and treated me like crap. This is the girl you want to be the mother of your children? I want this baby to be happy and cared for. I know nothing about being loved like that." I look down at my lap. "I'm going to be the worst Mom." He pulls me into my chest and kisses the top of my head.

"May, you're going to be the best mother in the world, and you know why I think that?" I keep silent. "Because you're amazing. You have a big heart and a lot of love to give." Harry pulls away and cups my cheeks. "May, this baby will be loved so much. And I know this is all so sudden. But I love you. And you love me. And our love created this tiny human that will be with us in seven months.

This isn't how I wanted us to have our first kid. But, it doesn't mean I'll love it any less. And I know you're scared because you feel like since you weren't loved as a kid, you'll do the same to our baby. But I strongly believe that you're not going to be like your Mom. And I mean that.

You're going to be the best Mom, May. And we'll still be in school, you'll accomplish everything you set your mind too and I'll make sure you do. You'll become a writer for the New York Times and show your parents that you are more than they think. Now, we're just going have a little mascot with us." I smile at his words. "We'll be okay May. Please do not worry. You're not alone."

His hand rests on my small bump and his fingers wipe away my tears falling from my eyes. "I love you Harry."

"I love you more May." He gently kisses me.

"I just feel like I'm ruining everything between us."

"Why would you think that?" He asks. His eyes look into mine.

"I wanted us to be married first." Feel tears drop out of my eyes. "And live in a big house that we both paid for with jobs that we always wanted. I wanted a dog or a cat so it can be our family pet. Then I wanted to fill our house up with kids. I already get made fun of enough for my stutter. Now I'm going to be the laughing stock of the college for being pregnant. And it's not our babies fault."

"I put three people into a hospital my senior year for you May. I couldn't see you take that kind of abuse anymore. I will put everyone who comments something about you into a hospital if I hear something remotely out of line about our child. And I mean that with everything in me." His kisses my cheek. "I know we both wanted the house first with the jobs but we can still do that. This baby isn't our death sentence for dropping out of college and working at a diner."

"You don't hate me?" I ask.

"Of course not, May. I would never hate you for this." I wipe my eyes. "Now the hard part is just telling our family." I shrug.

"I'm not going to let your parents or mine talk to you poorly when we tell them." Harry tells me. "Now I have to fight for two." I laugh and he smiles.



I went to take a shower can come back to 130 comments on the last chapter

Please donut comment saying this a cliche move by making May pregnant , everything I put in this book has a purpose



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