Thirty Four

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i'm sorry i haven't been updating a lot. i have school still and that's my #1 priority

this friday to monday i'm off of school but my family is going to be over so idk if i'll update a lot like i do every weekend

anyways enjoy the chapter



I sit in bed Tuesday night just looking around.

It's 2 in the morning and Harry is asleep beside me. His mouth is parted open a bit and his hand is under his pillow. His curls fall to his forehead a bit and I smile gently.

I can't seem to fall asleep without having the urge to pee or feel uncomfortable. "Hmble." I hear Harry mutter in his sleep.

Hmble? I chuckle to myself and continue to listen to him ramble.

Something that makes my heart sting is him say, "I love you Lily."

After that sentence his mouth falls shut and he doesn't sleep talk.

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. My feet are cold against the tile floor.

I pee, then return back to bed. I lay down and prop my pillow the way I want it. I rest my hands on my bump and I take a deep breath.

"Can you let mama sleep?" I ask the child in me that probably can't hear me yet. "I got a test in the morning that's very important. Mommy wants to graduate with good grades and she needs some sleep. Can you let me sleep?" He or she still moves around and I sit up and sigh. "You better be cute." I smile to myself and rest my head against the wall behind me.


"Good morning." Harry says while sipping his water.

"Morning." I mumble tiredly.

"Didn't sleep well?" I sit down at the table and put on my shoes slowly. I'm already out of breath from putting on one shoe.

"I got two hours of sleep."

"Why didn't you wake me?" Harry asks. His head tilts toward me. He leans against the white wall behind him.

"Because you looked so peaceful." I stand up and put my hands on my hips. "How are you?" His eyebrows furrow at my question.

"Good, yourself?"

"Good." I bite my lip. His eyes question me.

"You okay May?"

"I'm just asking how you are." I say.

"You just seem to be hinting something." His arms cross loosely.

"No." I say casually. "How'd you sleep?" I change the topic. As he speaks I feel the baby move around a bit making me sigh.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks worriedly.

"Yep. The baby's just moving around a bit." And it also is making me want to sit down, so I do.

"Are you going to be okay in class?"

"I will be." Harry kneels down beside me and intertwines our fingers.

"If you need anything call me okay? Or if you don't feel okay come home."

"I will." Harry kisses my bump then stands up and kisses me. I love how protective and loving he is towards the baby. It makes my insides all warm and fuzzy.

I stand up from the chair and take a deep breath. "Did you eat breakfast?"


Usually early in the morning I have coffee but I can't because I'm pregnant.

My Everything (sequel to Secret) //EDITING//Where stories live. Discover now