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Harry POV {before}

I step into the elevator and hear someone shout, "Hold the doors!" I push the closing doors to the side and see Cody step in.

"Not taking the stairs today?" I ask

"Don't be a douche." He warns.

"How is asking a question me being a douche?" His eyes narrow at me. I smirk. "So, when were you going to tell me you have a crush on May?"

"It's not your business."

"You told me about how you might like her and shit. But it's not okay to tell me who it is?"

"Because it's your ex Harry." Cody says with annoyance in his voice.

"Okay? We're friends now."

"So I've heard." He grumbles. "Plus, it was easier to talk about her without you knowing who it was."

"What do you exactly want from her?" I ask, my eyebrows furrow. His eyes look at me. "Just a fuck buddy?"

"More or less."

"But you said you might like her."

"Yeah, like that. Eh, I'll probably just stick to being her friend. Plus she seems fun to maybe have as a casual partner. Usually the shy ones are the great ones." I bite down.

"Do whatever you'd like Cody." I say with a smile.

"Are you being a wise ass?"

"No. It's not my business what you are her do." Once the elevator doors open I step out first.


"Doing the walk of shame again?" I hear Adam comment to me. I look in his direction. I walk over to the their living room.

"No." I say. "You're really funny though." The shower starts and I assume it's May.

"Thanks." He says plainly. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I itch my head.

"Are you dumb?" My eyebrows furrow.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you, Harry Styles, dumb?"


"Really? So playing with May like she's a toy isn't dumb?" I huff. "Don't be huffing at me just because you know it's true."

"I'm not playing with her." I defend.

"Remember the days were May didn't like to talk about sex? I miss that."

"How's that my problem?"

"Because the more you both aren't together as a couple and just have sex, the more she'll turn into someone who I'm not gonna like. Next thing you know May will be into drinking and drugs." Adam pauses. "Plus I know you guys love each other and it's sad to see her walk through those doors looking empty because you just fucked her and told her to leave."

"She said-"

"She also said she cheated when she didn't. Are you seriously falling for her lies again? She ain't even a good liar. Hence why I'm asking are you dumb. Also, are you ever going to let her explain?"

"Maybe one day."

"Uhuh." His eyes roll. "Stop the whole benefits thing before it gets more ugly between you guys."

"It's not ugly." Adam scoffs.

"The stupidity in this room makes me want to get air freshener. I like you Harry, don't get me wrong. But this shit is like an ugly TV show drama where your OTP is rotting in hell because they're both dumb as fuck. Just forgive her already. Your dumb ass placed a bet on her that ended. And May lied about cheating. Why can't it be even already?" He stops talking.

"It's not complicated like this, Adam. Just leave it."

"Are you just using her for sex to get back at her? Because I know you know deep down sex to her is a private thing. But you do realize her doing the whole friends with benefits thing is her way of somehow keeping you." I remain quiet. "I thought I raised you better to speak May, Jesus. Now you have this hoe Cody all on your girl."

"What do you mean? Did you see them kissing?" Adam laughs.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I just find it amusing that you're this jealous."

"I'm not jealous." I defend.

"And I'm straight." My eyes scowl at Adam. "Be her friend or be her boyfriend. Just stop using her." I open my mouth to speak but he continues. "And for gods sake just say you love her."

The shower turns off and I leave her apartment.

May POV {before}

"I picked up a movie that looks fucking stupid. Wanna watch it?"

"Of course. I love stupid movies." Harry says while closing his apartment behind me. "Can we talk first?"

"Sure." I say. I put the movie down. His eyes meet mine and his head tilts. "Did you speak to Adam?"

"Yes and-"

"Don't listen to him. I'm fine with our arrangement."

"May, I just don't want to lead you on. When I mean just sex I don't mean it can lead to anything more."

"I'm aware, Harry."

"Are you sure?" His eyes are serious.

"I'm sure. Anything else you want to talk about?"

"I don't want you sleeping with anyone else." I keep quiet. "Have you?"

"Who would I sleep with? Adam?" I joke. He doesn't laugh.

"I'm not saying you can't go out with guys on dates, that's your choice. I don't want you to be with other guys the way we are. And I won't be with any girls." Should I feel happy that he wants this rule? Or is he doing this because of Cody? "and if you do get a--boyfriend we'll just be friends."

"Sounds good with me." I answer.

"And May?"


"Be careful with Cody please." My eyebrows furrow. Before I answer he picks up the movie. "I'll put this in the DVD player."


idk what to put here

i hate writing them like this lol don't think i enjoy it




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