Forty Three

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Harry and I are eating breakfast currently. I'm due in less than a month.

"I wanted to ask you something." Harry says while drinking his coffee.

Fuck I miss coffee.

"What is it?" I ask. I sip my orange juice.

"I wanna know more about your childhood." I remain silent and toss my hair into a messy bun. "If you want you can ask me questions about mine to make it even."

"Your Mom told me about about you when you were a child." I bring up. "And you know stuff about my childhood."

"You just told me that you and yours parents never got along and you were pushed to the side." I gulp.

"And that's all you need to know. I'm not going to go into depth about my childhood." I say softly. "It's not important."

"But I wanna know what I should avoid talking about or not bring up."

"My childhood in general is what you should avoid or not bring up." I say. His head tilts. I stand up and put my bowl in the sink. I take a deep breath and slowly turn around.

Harry puts his bowl in the sink and stands across from me. "Why don't you want me to know?" He asks.

"Because I don't want to talk about it." I say sharply. "Please just leave it Harry."

"Fine." He huffs. He walks out of the kitchen and I sigh. I hear the shower start and I pick at my bottom lip.

I sit at the table and open my laptop screen and check my emails. My eyebrows furrow at an email address that I never see. :

Congrats on the baby

Hope to meet her soon x

~ "uncle" Nick

The quotes around Uncle make me sick. I shut the screen and sigh.

I knock on the bathroom door and hear a muffled "it's open."

"Need to pee?" Harry asks.

"No." I think about it. "Not now at least." I huff. "I'm sorry."


"Kinda pushing you out." My fingers fidget.

"Can we talk when I'm out of the shower?" I push the curtain back and he stares at me. "Or not." Harry washes the shampoo out of his hair.

"There are just something's about my childhood that I'd rather not talk about. Most of it is sad and depressing and you'll feel more bad for me."

"But if you're zoning in and out of conversations and look depressed, I get concerned." Harry pauses. "I have to wash my area so,"

"Really?" I ask him. "We're having a baby in a few weeks and you think it's weird that you have to wash your dick in front of me?" His head tilts. "Plus how many times have I had to pee while you took a shower?"

"Cause you're pregnant, what's my excuse?"

"We're having a conversation." I say with a smug smile. "But if you insist, I'll wait till you're done showering." I shut the curtain and walk back to our bedroom. I sit on the corner of the bed and lay back.

I can't wait till I'm not pregnant anymore. It's nothing against the baby, I just hate feeling so heavy all the time.

Will my vagina be stretched out forever? My eyes widen. Why have I never thought about this before?

The shower soon turns off and a few minutes later Harry returns to our bedroom. A towel is draped on his low torso.

I lay back down and look up at the ceiling. I hope everything down there will go back to normal. Well, some form of normal.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Harry asks while laying down beside me.

"About how my vagina will be stretched out after the baby." He chuckles.

"I'm pretty sure it goes back to normal after a few months May."

"What if it doesn't? What if it just stays loose and flappy for the rest of my life?"

"I doubt it will." I sigh. "Flappy?" Harry questions.

"I don't know." I chuckle.

Silence falls between us. His hand rests on top of mine and his thumb draws small circles. "Look, I won't push you. But if you just need to vent I'm here." His voice is soft.

"Okay." I reply. I look over at him and he soon glances toward me. "I love you."

"I love you too." He quickly pecks my lips and lays back down.


Hello x

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Sorry that I didn't update yesterday I've been sick :/


My Everything (sequel to Secret) //EDITING//Where stories live. Discover now