Chapter 8

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The next morning everybody went downstairs to the hotel lobby to get breakfast together. Val and Sharna were both a little later than planned. Neither of them could get up in the morning after a short night sleep, although they didn’t sleep together last night.

They ran into each other while waiting for the elevator. Val came up behind Sharna and kissed her in her neck.
“Goodmorning beautiful,” he said. Sharna turned around in his arms and kissed him back on his lips.
“Morning to you too.”

The elevator arrived at their floor and they entered. Even before the doors had closed Val asked: “So what are we going to do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, two things actually: What are we going to tell the others and where are you and I going from here.”
“You got straight to the point.”
But Val saw on Sharna’s face she didn’t know what to do.

Val answered his own question: “Let’s keep it quiet for now and meanwhile we will figure out what we want.”
Sharna’s face brightened: “That sounds like an amazing plan.” The elevator was now halfway down.

“So do you want to talk about it tonight during dinner?”
“Is this another date, cause then my answer is definitely yes. But we have a show tonight, so it will be a really late dinner.”
“I don’t mind.” Val saw Sharna was thinking about something.
“What are you thinking about?”
“I’m thinking about how I can keep this quiet from Peta. She always knows when I’m dating or seeing someone. Even before I tell her.”
“Well hopefully it is only for a short while, before we figure out what we will do.”

Val gave Sharna a quick kiss on her lips, before the elevator opened and they arrived at the lobby. Their friends were already waiting for them.

Sharna and Val arrived, apologizing for the fact that they were a little later than planned. Everybody forgave them and didn’t ask if anything was going on. But the way Peta looked at Sharna, the last one knew it was going to be a long day. Sharna didn’t like keeping things a secret from her best friend, but she and Val weren’t sure if last night was just a fling or if something more was possible and until they found out, they would keep it a secret from everyone, including Peta. Sharna went over to Peta and gave her a hug, like every morning and together they walked to their breakfast spot. The rest following them.

During breakfast, Sharna got a text from her mother. Asking her if she could call tonight after the show. Sharna read the text and got scared, her Nan recently passed away and she hoped nothing would be wrong with other family members. The rest of the breakfast, Sharna was quiet. When they walked back to the hotel, to relax before another show, Peta pulled Sharna apart.

“What is going on? This morning you were a little bit tense and during breakfast you didn’t say a word. And don’t tell there is nothing going on, I know something is up.” Sharna looked at her best friends face and before she knew it Sharna started to cry. Peta didn’t expect that and she guided her to a bench to sit down.

“Hey I’m sorry, I didn’t want to upset you.”
“It is not your fault. My mom texted me, saying she wants to call me after tonight’s show. Normally she or I just call, but this time it is scheduled and I don’t know what to expect. I want to stay positive and think it is just a call to ask how I’m doing, but with Nan recently dying, I don’t know what to expect.”

Peta pulled her best friend close. She didn’t want to see her friend crying, but she was happy Sharna told her.
“Let me know if you need be there tonight. I know you normally want to be alone during a phone call, but please let me know afterwards if you need a shoulder to cry on.”
“Thank you.” Sharna wiped away her tears. “Thank you for being an amazing friend.”
The two girls hugged and started to walk back to the hotel, to join the rest.

Val was nervous when Peta pulled Sharna apart. He had also noticed Sharna was unusually quiet during breakfast and afterwards he wanted to ask her about it. But Peta got to her first.

When Sharna and Peta returned, he saw Sharna had cried. But he couldn’t got to her. The boys had just decided they would be going to the gym and he had to leave. He gave Sharna a quick look, before he left. While working out, his head wasn’t in it. The boys didn’t notice, they were all too busy with themselves.

While the boys were at the gym, the girls decided they would go shopping. They liked going to the gym as well, but sometimes they needed to relax. Shopping with the girls made Sharna forget about her mother’s text for a little while. She enjoyed laughing with her best friends and being around them was amazing. When they got back to hotel to drop their new bought clothes they boys were also ready to leave to the theatre.

Together they walked to the theatre were they would perform that night. It was always amazing to see the bill about the Dancing with the Stars tour. The girls went to the dressing room and put on their make-up and do their hair. Val still hadn’t had a moment to talk to Sharna alone yet. But he knew he could to talk to her just before their hiphop number. Sharna was changing when Val got up behind her.

“Are you okay?”
“Yes, for now, but I have something to tell you. Can you come to by room after the show?”
“Yes, definitely.” Val pulled Sharna close and kissed her on her lips real quick.

Afterwards they went to their own spots, to get ready to perform.

From the wings Peta was watching her best friend perform. She wanted to wish her good luck, but then she saw what happened between Val and Sharna. And now, while she was watching them perform, she saw the connection the two of them had. Something had definitely happened between the two of them in the last couple of days. On one hand she was happy for them, on the other hand she would have loved if Sharna had told her about it.

Peta decided she didn’t want to confront Sharna about this and wait until Sharna was ready to tell her. The rest to the show went amazing and afterwards the cast went back to the hotel. Normally they would either go out for dinner with the entire cast or in smaller groups or they would order roomservice if they weren’t feeling like going out.

Sharna went straight to her hotel room, Peta followed her and gave her a hug for support.
“Call me if you need me,” Peta said, before leaving her and going to her own room. Sharna went to sit on her bed, waiting for her mother to call.

She had texted her mother that she was done with tonight’s show and that she was in her hotel room. While she was waiting for her mother to call, she heard a knock on the door.

When she opened it, Val was waiting for her. She let him in the room and sat down on the bed. Val sat across from Sharna, putting a hand on her leg.
“What happened this morning? You barely talked during breakfast and I saw you had cried after you and Peta talked.”
“My mom texted me and she wanted to call me tonight after the show. She has never done this before. I mean she texts me, but if she wants to talk to me, she usually just calls. And I just have the feeling something is wrong.”

Sharna’s eyes started to water and Val scooped closer, pulling her into a tight hug.
“Right now I’m waiting for her to call me.”
“Do you want me to stay with you, or should I come back later, when you finished talking with your mother.”
“No, I want you to stay or I would like you to stay. And maybe we can order some food here. I know we had decided to go out for dinner tonight. But I’m not up for it.”

“Eating her with you, would be just as amazing as taking you out for dinner. I’ll call room service and then you can wait for your mom. And we will have to wait what your mother has to tell you, until then try not to worry too much.”

Val started to kiss Sharna and they fell onto the bed. Val got up, before something else happened. He got the phone from the nightstand and called for room service, ordering things he knew Sharna liked.

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