Chapter 29

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As soon as he left the room she was in, he went to the fridge. There were several bottles of water in the fridge. He knew Sharna was dehydrated, she had been in the room for 3 days without any water. He wanted her to be alive as long as possible. She was going to be his, if she wanted it or not.

He got back to the room, Sharna was lying on the ground. She looked so beautiful, he couldn’t take his eyes of her. He put the bottle of water down, next to her head. He got down on his knees beside her and got the hair out of her eyes. She woke up from his hand on her face. She quickly moved away from him, scared.

He started to get angry, but calmed down when he saw she was looking at the water. Hoping it would be for her.
“This is for you.”
He stroked his finger through her hair again and left. Ignoring the shiver he felt from her.


Sharna was relieved she finally got water, she had never been so thirsty in her life. She got the bottle and took a sip from the water. A thought had crossed her mind that it might have been drugged. But she pushed that away, there was nothing he could do to her, which he hadn’t done yet.

The water touching her lips made her feel a little bit better. She decided she didn’t want drink everything right now, not knowing how long it would take before anyone would find her.  Sharna got sleepy again, in the back of her mind she knew if she slept, she might not wake up. But she was too tired. She closed her eyes and with the sound of people yelling in the background, she fell asleep.


The police finally had a clue of where they could find Sharna. The assigned cops went to the house. They knocked on the door.
“Open the door!”

When nobody answered they kicked down the door. They starting searching all the rooms. They found nobody, until they moved to the last room. The girl who was laying on the ground, was the one they had been looking for. She was out cold on the ground, her clothes ripped of her body and a semi filled bottle of water. She only had a small blanket covering her. One of the cops sat down next to her.
“Get the medics in here!”


Val answered the phone, scared of what he might hear.
“Hello, am I speaking to Mr. Chmerkovskiy?”
“Yes, this is he.”
“I’m calling on behalf of the police to tell you we found Sharna Burgess. At this moment she is taken to the LA Medical Center. I hope everything will turn out good, for everybody.”
“Thank you, I'm on my way.” was all Val could say.
“You’re welcome and I wish you all the best.”

Val hang up the phone. Immediately calling Sharna’s parents. Due to the kidney transplant, Sharna’s dad couldn’t fly out the same day and Val had convinced them to make sure he was able to fly before they would fly out. Sharna would need her dad to be alive. Sharna’s mother answered the phone.

“Val, it is a good thing you are calling. We finally got cleared to fly and a doctor is going to accompany us. That way most risks will be covered. Have you heard anything?”
“That is why I’m calling. I just heard they found her. She has been taken to the hospital and I will go there as soon as possible. But I thought it would be better to call you first.”
He heard Sharna’s mother fall down on a sofa.
“They found her!”
He heard her say to her husband. Sharna’s mother started crying.
“Val, this news makes us beyond happy. I can’t tell you what I’m feeling right now. Please update us as often as you can. In the airplane we probably have wifi, and otherwise we will call you when we can. Take good care of Shar for us.”
“I always will.”

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