Chapter 14

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The boys were all deep into their conversations and didn’t notice this group of men slowly circling the girls. The girls were all too focused on each other to see the men getting closer. The boys took their time and waited for the right moment.

That moment came when Sharna turned away from her friends, they took their chance. Without hesitation they circled her and gently made her move away from her friends, without her knowing too much. On the dancefloor Sharna had experienced this before, a group would move from one side to the other and it would rip apart their circle. Normally Sharna would be able to get away and return from her friends. But this time it was harder, the group of men around her seemed a tight nit and they didn’t let anyone pass.

Peta was the first to notice Sharna was gone. She noticed it only a couple of seconds after Sharna was circled by the men. They did this dance before, they would turn away from each other and then get back together. But Sharna never returned. Peta looked around, searching for her best friend. But she didn’t see her.

From the lounge Val saw Peta’s odd behavior from the corner of his eyes. He might be talking with the guys, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t paying attention to the girls. And from a distance he could see Peta was looking for someone or something. He turned his head towards the dancefloor and immediately saw who was missing, Sharna wasn't with the other girls. And he knew for sure she wasn’t at the bathroom, because the girls never went alone.

He had to hold himself back not to run towards the dancefloor right away. The lounge was a little higher than the dancefloor and he looked for his girlfriend.

Keo noticed Val was looking around the dancefloor and said: “You looking for a cute girl, cause I believe you’re already dating one.”
He started to laugh, but stopped when he saw Val’s face.
“Peta is looking for someone and Sharna isn’t with the group anymore. So I’m looking for her right now.”

Keo immediately warned the others and they decided to split up. Julz and Paul went downstairs to the girls, to make sure nothing would happen to them. Keo and Artem would also go downstairs and see if they could find Sharna. Alan and Val would look for Sharna from the lounge.

Val had already scanned the floor a couple of times, but he couldn’t find her yet. He told himself he had to take his time to find her. He took a deep breath and started to scan the floor again, but this time he would take his time. And that was when he saw her. In the middle of a group men he saw the red hair of his girlfriend, highlighted by the lights from the club. Val ran downstairs, followed by Alan, who tried to signal Artem and Keo.

Sharna kept trying to break out of the group, but she couldn’t. They started to talk to her.

“Hey, pretty lady, why don’t you stay with us.”
“Yeah, we’ll make you feel good.”
“Come on, have a drink with us.”
“We only want to have a good time, you too right?”

One of the men started to touch Sharna’s butt and she turned away from him. But the guys on the other side of the circle joined him. They touched her butt and the rest of her body. But before they could continue and make things worse, the circle was broken by another guy. Val, stood in the middle of the circle.

He pulled Sharna close to him and tried to get her out.
“Hey man, what are you doing?”
“She was with us.”
“Get your own girl.”

“This is my girl!” Val yelled at the men around him. Alan, Keo and Artem had also arrived at the scene. Along with a security guard who had also noticed something was wrong. With the support system arriving, Val was able to pull Sharna away from everyone. The men were sent away by security and Alan, Keo and Artem joined Val and Sharna. Together they also left the club.

Julz and Paul had taken the other girls outside and were now waiting for the rest. When they finally came out, Peta ran towards Val and Sharna. Sharna was still close to Val’s chest and silently crying. Peta joined their hug and put her hands in Sharna’s hair and on her back, trying to calm her down.
“Shh, it is over. They are gone and you’re save.”

Everyone was in shock and wanted to get back to their rooms as fast as possible. Val, Peta and Sharna took an uber together. Sharna was still emotional, but she was no longer clinging to Val. Peta was holding Sharna’s hand tightly, like she never wanted to let her go.

She followed the couple towards their room and when they arrived she took Sharna’s head between her hands and gave her a kiss.
“I love you,” Peta whispered in her ear.
“I love you too,” Sharna said back. A little smile on her face.
“Goodnight and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Val and Sharna got into their hotel room and they went to bed straight away. Val pulled Sharna close to him and she lay her head on his chest.
“How are you doing?” Val asked. Sharna waited a little before she responded.
“At that moment I felt really scared, cause I had no clue what was going to happen and I didn’t know where you guys were. But right now, I’m no longer scared. I’m lying in your arms and when I look back at it, nothing happened. They didn’t had the chance to hurt me and you were on time to get me out. And even if it would take you a little longer, there were other people around us who possible would help me out. So the crying afterwards, probably had more to do with being in shock, than really hurt.”

“I’m happy to hear that. And really thankful I found you on time. Now let’s get some sleep, because tomorrow we have to deliver a killer performance again.”

He pulled Sharna a little closer and the couple closed their eyes. Slowly drifting off to sleep.

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