Chapter 2

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When I woke up I was still in the same position on the couch. I sat up and hissed at the pain in my sides and stomach. The battle from yesterday must have been a tough one. I think we had to fight off four or five monsters but I really can't remember.

I stood up from the couch and slowly wiped at my eyes. I walked to my bedroom to pull out clean clothes before heading over to the bathroom. From there I turned the water on and removed my shirt. I stayed clear of the mirror, horrified at the shape my body is in. Lately I haven't been training as much. So I'm clearly not as fit as I used to be. Along with that I have cuts and scratches etched across my skin in various places. Some were from previous jobs and some were from me.

I'm not ashamed of them though. Because for every bit of pain I feel, another second I feel alive.

I quickly stepped into the shower and washed off before stepping back out and slipping my clothes on. I made sure the shirt was long enough that I could lift my arms and not have my stomach show. My legs weren't a problem since all I had to do was keep my pants on. I pulled out a belt and hooked it on just in case they slipped down.

Once I was finally ready I stepped out of my house onto the streets of Magnolia. I heaved a heavy sigh and began walking towards the guild hall.  All my friends should be there by now and that worries me. Not because I don't want to see them but for the fact that I don't like lying. Whenever I'm around even one of them I have to act like my usual self and it kills me. I want someone to notice and help me out but I'm not going to tell or ask anyone about it because I don't want pity. I don't want to be seen as someone who needs to be taken care of.

When I finally arrived to the front door of Fairy Tail I shoved it open and walked in. Tables were already being flipped and I had to dodge a chair that was flying through the air.

"Ah! Gray!" I spun my head to look to the side. Natsu stood on one of the tables with both his fists clenched in front of him.

"You here to fight?!" He jumped at me but before he got close enough he was thrown to the opposite side of the building. Erza jumped up into the table where he was just at.

"Next time you'll learn to not eat my cake!" She then took a flying leap towards him. I continued walking through the hall and up to the bar.

"Hey, Mira." She turned around and smiled at me.

"Oh hey, Gray! Would you like something to eat or drink?" I looked around the guild and shook my head. Nearly everyone was here right now.

"No thanks. I was actually about to take a job." As soon as I said that Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Erza all appeared behind me.

"What kind of job?" I turned to them and weakly smiled.

"No offense guys but I want to do one solo. I need a little extra money right now." All of them looked disappointed at what I said. I tore my eyes off of them and started walking to the job board. I looked at a few of the fliers until an arm wrapped around me causing me to jump. I pulled away to see it was Natsu who had did it. This made heat rise to my face. Before this whole bottomless pit feeling I have had, I used to had a small crush on him. I just fell for the way he stood up for everyone and was always so happy and cheery. But now, I don't even know what I feel anymore.

"How's this sound, you pick a job and just for this one time we don't split the reward. You can have all of it." I nervously looked down to the ground. Did he actually mean that? Even if he did I wouldn't let him or anyone else come along with me.

"Yea we don't mind helping out! Besides you guys help me out with my rent all the time!" Lucy ran up next to me, on the opposite side of Natsu. She began looking through all the different jobs.

"So, Gray. Which one looks good to you?" Erza asked as she put one hand on her hip. Her eyes scanned over the many different jobs and reward amounts. I gazed up at the fliers. We all stood looking at them for a couple minutes until I found one.

Help Needed!

There has been a series of thefts happening all around the city of Alais. The residents are willing to pay 150,000 jewel to whoever find this thief and send him to jail.

I took the flier off the board and held it up to me.

"This one should be easy enough. Thank you guys for wanting to help out but don't worry about me. I'll be back by morning." I turned away from them and walked back to the bar. I showed Mira the job I was accepting. She quickly made note of it and wished me luck. As I was walking outside I turned back to gaze back to my four friends.

Natsu watched me sadly as Erza now stood with her arms crossed. Happy was laying on top of Natsu's head with his eyes wide like saucers. Lucy had her hands linked together in front of her as she looked down at the ground. I sighed while turning away from them and begining my trip to the train station.

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