Chapter 16

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It all went downhill from the moment I woke up. I tried to sneak to the bathroom while Natsu was asleep. The itchiness of my skin was back and there was only one way to get rid of it, though I knew I couldn't do it.

I locked the door behind me and sat on the ground in a pile of my own tears. Eventually a thought came to mind and I quickly stripped off every item of clothing. I wiped harshly at my cheeks as I stepped over to the tub. I turned on the water and made it incredibly hot. Then I switched it to shower and waited a couple seconds before stepping in.

Since Natsu is a fire dragon the heat won't affect him. I am an ice mage so it'll burn me to bits. I smiled evilly at my plan as the hot water poured down on top of me. I hissed at the pain and bit my lip. I felt the magic energy being drained from me since I'm not meant to get this hot. Eventually I had to put my hand on the wall as my skin began to blister.

I took deep breathes and sunk down to sit on the bottom of the tub. I am not giving up on me being in as much pain as I can be in without hurting Natsu or having him find out. After a couple minutes of me sitting down at the bottom, hardly breathing, a knock came from the other side of the door.

"Gray, I know what you are doing and it isn't going to work. I may not be able to feel the heat from the water but I can tell that you are in pain. Now please get out." I stayed at the bottom of the tub, unable to move. I was covered in blisters and felt like I was about to die. All of my strength had left my body.

"Gray!" Pounding noises came from the door but I couldn't do anything. I had went too far and now there's nothing we can do. I leaned against the wall. I held my hand up in front of me and tried to bend my fingers. They were in so much pain and seemed to be on the verge of melting away. Suddenly someone had reached in and turned the water off before wrapping me up in their arms and lifting me out of the tub.

I was sat down onto the floor as a towel was wrapped around me. I hissed at the contact and tried to take it off of me. Natsu's hands kept it around me. When he retracted I saw little red spots all over him.

"Natsu?" I pulled away and spun to look him over. He was covered in these spots. I gazed down to my hand before looking over to his. Our blisters were in the same spot. "I'm sorry." I whispered quietly.

"No, don't be." He went to hug me but seemed to decide against it since my skin looked awful. "Never do this again." I nodded and put my head against his shoulder. We didn't care that I was sat there naked wrapped in a towel. All I cared about was him. But once again, I caused him pain.

"Gray, please don't be mad at yourself. If anything, be mad at me."

"No. There is no reason for me to be mad at you." He sighed and moved away from me to wipe at his eyes.

"There is. I made us get this link and now you are getting even more hurt than what you probably were before. If you really want, we can go to the guild to have Levy remove it. Because I want to trust you and I want you to know that I trust you. I just wanted to make sure you don't hurt yourself but as you can see, I didn't do that very well." I nodded happily and slowly stood up, with him doing the same. He had his arms extended to either side of me to make sure I didn't fall.

"I can't promise anything other than, I am trying. I am trying so hard to get better for you." He smiled at me and leaned over to place a gentle kiss on my lips. I pulled away from him and reached my hand to his shoulder. I winced a little at the pain from the blisters. He looked like it pained his shoulder to have pressure on it.

I wrapped my other arm around his neck as lightly as I could as he moved his up to my waist. My head was almost touching his as I smiled, feeling safe with him next to me.

"I love you so much, Natsu." He pulled me into him as one hand snaked up to cup my cheek.

"I love you so much more, Gray." With that he caught my lips with his. We moved slow at first but it eventually got more heated. I tried to ignore the pain my body was in as best as I could. Soon enough he pulled away to reveal swollen red lips. My guess was that mine matched his.

"Alright, get dressed so we can head to the guild." I nodded and pecked him quickly before pulling away. I went into my bedroom to change my clothes quickly before I headed back out to the front. Natsu stood leaning against the wall with his hand out in front of him. Red spots still littered his skin. 

"I'm so sorry." He looked over to me and grinned.

"Don't worry about it. We will both heal."

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