Chapter 17

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When the guild came into view it didn't even look like our home anymore. Most of it had been torn down while other parts were gone altogether. I stood in shock and looked at all the broken glass and pieces of wood that were spread out on the ground. A hand squeezed mine and began to pull me through it.

Everything seemed to be in a haze. We came here to get this spell off of us and now we find out we are being attacked. This can't be the group of people that are looking for me can it? What if it was?

"Natsu! Gray!" We both stopped and looked to the side to see Lucy. She stood with her clothes torn. Loke was stood next to her as he was trying to keep her upright. We looked to each other for a moment before making our way towards the duo.

"What happened?" Natsu asked angrily as he squeezed my hand.

"I'm not sure. We were all sitting there having fun but then the front wall was blown up. After that I don't remember much but they kept saying to hand over Gray." Natsu growled and stepped closer to me.

"Where are they?" Lucy went to point to the side but before she could show us we were all thrown into the air. Natsu had wrapped his arms around me to keep me from getting hit.

We landed on the ground and slid back a couple feet. I was on Natsu's chest as he tried to keep me safe. When we finally stopped moving I pulled away and looked behind us. There was a girl stood in dark purple clothes. Her shoes were the same color as her full body suit and her hair was a light blue color.

"Ah looks like you brought him right to us." She said while gazing down at me. In a flash Natsu and I had stood up and he pushed me back.

"You can't take him!" He put one arm up to shield me. She let out a loud laugh and jumped closer to us.

"Ahh!" Both of us looked to the side to see Lucy flying. Luckily, Loke was there to catch her before she hit the ground. A guy jumped up in front of them and went to attack again. Loke put his arm up and made it glow as he blocked the attack.

I heard a yell from in front of me and turned my head back around to see Natsu had gotten distracted like I did. Because of that he had gotten thrown aside. The lady smirked and walked closer to me. I stood my ground and put my hands together.

"Ice Make: Lance!" As soon as my attack started she lifted her hand and all of my ice fell to the ground. I stood shocked. How did she do that? Did she have the same power as the guy I fought before? Before I could do anything else she grabbed my throat and lifted me off the ground. She continued to smirk as she scanned over my body. Her eyes stopped on my wrist.

"A link? To who?" A couple feet away, Natsu stood up. Rumble fell off of him as he slowly lifted his head up. His hands caught on fire as he gritted his teeth. I could feel the anger welling up inside of him. She kept ahold of me and turned to him. My guess is that she was looking over him and was confused to why he was covered in blisters, yet lit up in flames.

"He is linked to me." She moved me around so that I was being held between him and her. I struggled against her grip and kept trying to kick her.

"Oh? So that means if I do this." She pulled her arm back before springing it into my stomach. I groaned at the impact and looked over my shoulder to see Natsu with his hand on the spot that had gotten hit. "You get it as well." She dropped me to the ground and lifted her foot. I lifted my hands to block it but she made that ice disappear as well. She brought her foot down into me. I reached my hands up to try and grab her ankle but she used some type of magic to intensify her attack and squished me into the ground.

"Gray!" I heard Natsu yell. Knowing that he was going through this pain as well and what gave me the strength to shove her off of me. I sat up and looked over to her. She looked shocked for a moment before smiling again.

"Looks like you are stronger than I thought." Suddenly the ground began to shake. I placed my hands down on it to try and hold on. My head turned to Natsu who was laying flat on the ground. My stomach started feeling uneasy.

"C'mon stand up! This isn't a vehicle!" He looked over to me and made a small noise before closing his eyes. I forced myself to stand. She sprung towards me and I barely had any time to dodge. She turned and came back towards me. I placed my hands together.

"Ice Make: Hammer!" That disappeared as well. I groaned as she suddenly punched under my chin, sending me flying.

When I landed she was stood in front of me once again. I pushed myself up as the ground continued to shake.

"What is going on?" She looked over her shoulder.

"Looks like he is having a little bit of trouble with that Celestial Spirit Mage. Leo sure isn't going down easily." Her head turned back to me. I stood up onto my feet and held my fists up.

"What do you want with me?" She sighed and crossed her arms.

"You already know what we want." I scrunched my eyebrows together and shook my head.

"What do you mean?" She held her hand up and waved it around.

"Ah so you have forgotten just how powerful you really are. How long did you plan to hide it from your friends?" My eyes glanced down to the mark on my wrist for a moment. She glared at it.

"I thought it would be fun to take you and that Dragon Slayer out at the same time but now, I have an even better idea." She held her hand out towards me and began to whisper something. When she stopped the markings cracked before disappearing altogether. I gasped and took a step back from her.

"What did you do?" She laughed and put her other hand up as well. I held my hands up, ready for whatever she was planning on doing next.

"Now you and that Dragon aren't linked together I can awaken the Demon Slayer from within you." I gasped and dropped my hands down slightly.

"How did you know about that?" She laughed again as a cloud of darkness came toward me. I had jumped out of the way just in time for it to miss me. She sent another one making me jump away from it again. Suddenly she was punched down. Natsu stood in front of her with his hands engulfed in fire.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him." It was then that I realized the ground had stopped shaking. I hope Lucy and Loke are okay, along with everyone else. She rolled her head over to look at me. Once again a dark cloud came for me. I didn't have enough time to jump out of the way since I was so close to her.

"Ice Make: Shield!" My ice came up over me. The cloud had pressed against it and immediately took it down.

"No!" I was too in shock to do anything else. I heard Natsu yelling as the lady started laughing loudly. The cloud had surrounded me and immediately started working. I howled in pain as I felt the Demon Slayer marks ripping through my skin. My magic was also being altered to fit the person that I had shoved away a long time ago. My mind started to go foggy as I felt the pain going away.

I was dropped to the ground with a loud thump. I laid there for a moment before standing up. I no longer had control over my limbs so when I heard the words "destroy him" it was all I could do.

I had to follow my master's orders.

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