Chapter 11

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Five hours. It took five hours to take that thing down. When we had finally defeated it, hardly anyone could even stand up. I had gotten knocked down right by the end of it. I had given it my all but it still wasn't enough to bring him down. I had lost my jacket throughout it and my top was full of tears.

I slowly pushed myself to my feet and looked around. All of my family was on the ground around me. I started limping through all the bodies as I tried to find Valerie. I have to tell her that he was taken down.

But, I couldn't find her. I had stumbled up the hill that I sent her down but didn't see her. I had tried to walk down it but ended up slipping and rolling my way down. I knew there wasn't any way she could've been killed by him since she was going in the complete opposite direction.

I stumbled through the woods for a when until I realized that I wasn't going to find her. She has to be far away from here by now. Then the little old man came to mind and I turned around to head back to the remains of the town. Crawling up the hill was the most pain I've felt in a long time, but I made it eventually. By then a couple people had woken up and was just sitting there observing the damage. I got to the top of the hill and made my way towards the remains. By the time I made it all of my energy was drained.

I didn't stop though. I had to find him.

I began moving pieces of concrete, wood and everything else around. As hard as I tried to find him I couldn't. I couldn't find her or him no matter how much searching I did. Eventually I dropped to my knees and covered my eyes. What else could I do?

"Gray, what's wrong?" I looked over my shoulder and saw Cana stood there. She was covered in bruises and scratches.

"There was this one guy and he helped me, but now I can't find him and I-" she stepped over to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry we will find him." She walked over to the rubble and started lifted it up and throwing pieces out of the way. I wiped my tears and stood up to help her out. Soon enough more and more people came over to help us out.

At one point we found a little girl who was around the age of six. Lucy had pulled her out and held her to her chest. Her arms held her close to her as the little girl breathed heavily.

"Don't worry, I got you." She put her forehead on the girls and sat with her. I smiled a little bit at the sight before turning back to the mess. I kept searching until I lifted a piece up and gasped.

"Guys! I found him!" I threw the concrete away and dropped down next to him. He was still breathing luckily. His eyes opened slightly as he smiled.

"I'm saved." He whispered as Mira came running over to help me with him. She had pulled him out and lifted him in her arms. He was safe and Valerie most likely was as well. I shoved my hands in my pockets as we were finally done fighting and searching. Suddenly I got hit in the side of the face. I jumped into my fighting position and glared at the person.

"Natsu?" He crossed his arms and faced away from me.

"See? I told you you didn't have to die." I chucked and looked at all of our injured friends.

"Maybe but it would've helped everyone out a bunch." He lit up in flames and reached over to me. His hands landed on my shoulders as his eyes hardened even more. As soon as our skin had made contact the flames disappeared.

"Stop it. If you keep saying things like this about yourself you are going to end up doing something incredibly stupid. Or if you don't, I will." I shook under his touch and tried to get away.

"No, Gray. When will you realize that I care about you? I care about you so much yet you push me away. Push my feelings away. Gray Fullbuster, you will never be able to get rid of me." I opened my mouth to say something but then realized that there was nothing I could say. He sighed and removed his hands from me.

"I care so much. Don't forget that." As he went to step away I reached out and grabbed his scarf. I pulled his face close to mine. A blush covered both of our faces.

"I care too, Natsu. I care about you." Then I inhaled deeply before pulling him all the way down to me, making our lips touch. My eyes instantly closed, not wanting to see his reaction.

He went to pull away but I tightened my grip as tears began to form. I finally worked up enough courage to kiss him so I'm not letting him go right away. He is the only person who had the ability to ignite my emotions again. I can't let him go.

After a second his arms went to my waist and pulled me closer to him. He began to kiss me back which was enough for my tears to actually slip pasted my eye lids and glide down my cheeks. We stood and kissed for a couple minutes until we pulled away.

I opened my eyes slowly, afraid of what his facial expression was going to be. But he wasn't ashamed or mad like I thought he was going to be. Instead his face matched the color of his hair.

"Gray, why did-"

"Natsu, I-" we started at the same time but stopped and let out small laughs. I nodded, urging him to speak.

"How long have you..." He trailed off but I knew what he was getting at.

"I can't say when exactly but, a long time. A very long time." I looked down turning an even deeper shade of red. He cupped the bottom of my chin, making me look back up at him.

"I have as well. For so long but I never thought you would ever... This is the best day of my life." He laughed a little making me smile. This time he leaned down close to me and smiled cheekily before closing his eyes and leaning down the rest of the way to connect us once again. I removed my hands from his scarf and moved them up around his neck to cross them over in the back. His hands stayed on my waist as he pulled me closer to have our chests flat against each others.

We stood with our bodies pressed together wrapped in each others arms. We stayed with our lips locked only pulling away for a couple seconds at a time to smile before kissing again.

For the first time in years, I finally feel happy and content with where I'm at. I could stay in this moment forever and still be just as happy as the first time I got to experience it.

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