Chapter 9

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I was woken up with the feeling of the ground moving underneath of me. I quickly sat up in bed and looked towards the window. I couldn't see anything from the amount of dirt flying around. I stood up as fast as possible and ran over to the window. I leaned close to it and scanned around but still couldn't see anything. What is going on? 

I threw on my clothes as fast as I could and ran for the door. As soon as it swung open the little old man ran past me yelling about how I should follow him to safety. It took everything in me to turn the other way instead, towards the lobby. As much as I wanted to stick around and make sure he is safe, I can't hide. I can't stay hidden somewhere when there are others out in that fog of dirt. I sprinted as hard as I could down the hallway until I got to the main door. As I went to open it the wind had caught it and pulled it off its hinges. I watched in shock as the door flew away. 

I gritted my teeth and started to walk through the powerful weather in an attempt to find out what was causing it because this is not something natural. Suddenly the whole storm stopped and dropped down to the ground, pulling everything down with. I fell onto my stomach and winced as stones and other parts of the surrounding buildings fell down on top of me. Eventually everything stopped and I slowly lifted myself to my feet.

In front of me stood a huge monster. He looked to be over a hundred feet tall and was a tannish color. Parts of him swirled around as his head stayed still. His eyes and mouth was hollow. He floated over the city and seemed to be checking to make sure he wiped everyone and everything out. I went to go after him but stopped when I heard a loud scream calling for help. The monster turned around to look my way so I dropped down to the ground. I kept my head up and watched as he turned back around and began moving away again. I stood and ran over to where I heard the scream come from.

I began digging through the rumble. I lifted up a wall and saw Valarie laying on the ground with blood surrounding her. I tossed the wall off of her and bent down to her height.

"Are you okay? Where is all of this blood coming from?" Her whole body seemed to be trembling as she turned to look down at her feet. One of her legs was caught underneath a huge pillar. I gritted my teeth and checked behind me to make sure the monster hadn't saw us.

"Hang on. I'll get you out of there." I squatted down and put my hands under the trap. I used all my strength to lift it off of her and throw it to the side. She tried to stand up but fell. I grabbed her shoulders and helped her back down, dropping with her.

"Its alright we will make it out of here." She started crying and dropped her head to my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me. She took a second to realize that she was no longer trapped and pulled away to smile at me.

"You're warm." I leaned back from her and gasped.

"What?" She gazed up at me with her face a dark red shade.

"You're warm." She repeated. I pulled away from her. There is no way I could be warm to her. I'm an Ice Mage. She has to be shivering by now from being this close to me. She suddenly let out a scream and dropped down to cover her head with her hands. I looked behind me and saw the monster stood there. I quickly put my hands up as he went to attack us.

"Ice Make: Shield!" His attack hit the ice and did a small amount of damage. He stood a moment before yelling out another attack this time my shield broke in one hit making me fall down over Valerie to take most of the damage. She screamed again, the noise ringing through my ears.

When the attack finally ended I sat up and glanced back at him before lifting her up and taking off running. A blast was heard from behind us throwing both of us into the air. I spun around so that when we landed I was the one that hit the ground. I then looked over her shoulder and saw him walking towards us. I shoved her off of me and jumped to my feet.

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