Chapter 6

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Pain surrounds me in a heavy blanket weighing me down. I had my back on the ground with rubble all around me. The sky was crying cold tears on top of the world. I laid there and let it wash every bad thing away.

Wishing I would wash away with it.

My body felt like it was paralyzed. I couldn't move, couldn't feel. For some reason, I was oddly okay with it. I was okay with never feeling anything again because I know the feeling of nothing.

Suddenly a figure appeared above me, blocking the rain. It was a girl clothed in orange with black marks around her face. Her hair was a magenta shade, pulled into a high ballet bun.

"I think we will start with you." She held her hands up making pink and purple sparks appear.

"No don't you dare touch him!" I dropped my head to the side and saw Natsu willing himself to stand. He was covered in scratches and bruises with blood here and there.

"No. Its okay. Don't worry about me." I said barely audible. Because maybe, maybe I don't want to live anymore. All I ever seem to do is get in the way. I knew he had heard me because his ears twitched. The girl, Faline, turned her head to glare at him.

"Don't tell me what to do." In a flash my back arched up as I was covered in a purple and pink aura. I screamed and yelled as I felt my powers draining away. I knew I was useless to the group. Maybe this is for the best. But as soon as it started, it stopped. I dropped back down to the ground as my eyes fell shut. I took a couple deep breathes as I heard fighting going on around me.

Every inch of my body hurt.

Again, I was okay with it. Because pain and death are not something that I am afraid of. I felt someone placing their hands on my shoulders. My eyes slowly opened to see Natsu hovered over me. His face was contoured into a look of distress as tears were falling down his face.

"Gray." I smiled weakly at him before my eyes closed themselves and I lost all knowledge of the world.

When I awoke again I was back in my bed. Had all of it just been a dream? I sat up and winced from the flame that ignited my entire body. I heard footsteps going through the house until my door swung open.

"You're awake finally." Natsu walked over next to me and sat on the edge of the bed. "Are you feeling better?" I thought for a moment before nodding. He growled lightly and jumped up, holding his fists up.

"Good then fight me you stripper!" I pulled the blanket up to cover more of me.


"You expected me to just let you die. How could you ever accept that? Now fight me so I can knock some scenes into that frozen brain of yours!" I looked down at the blanket. It shuffled a little as I moved my feet around. Of course he had to remember that.

"No, I'm not fighting you." He started to bounce on his feet and punch the air in front of him.

"Well you have to. Because you need to realize that I'll never let you die." A blush crawled up my face after he said that. I was blushing because of Natsu. I looked back over to him and smiled. I really smiled. He stopped hitting the air for a moment to gaze down at me. He tiled his head to the side and smiled widely back at me.

He is so cute. With his fluffy pink hair and bright green eyes. He was just a tad shorter than me but was definitely more muscular.

As soon as I realized what I was thinking I averted my attention away from him. Even if I were to develop a crush on again him he would never feel the same way.

"Oh by the way you really got beat up earlier." I signed and nodded. If I had been paying more attention I would've saw the girl sneaking up on me. "So don't be alarmed when you remove your shirt but you have a ton of cuts on you." I tensed up at his words. Oh Natsu, I wish you would really notice what those were.

"How do you know I have a bunch on me?" His face turned red as he looked away and lifted his arm to scratch the back of his neck. He placed his other hand on his hip.

"Oh you know, just, uh, okay I'm the person that carried you back and cleaned you up."

"Thank you." He waved his hand

"Don't worry about it." I spun in the bed and planted my feet on the floor. I shakily stood up. As soon as I was up I went to take a step but lost my balance. I put my hands up in front of me to stop my fall but never felt the floor. I took a deep breath and let it out as I saw Natsu in front of me. He was holding me in his arms with a look of concern.

"You're still really weak. You were worn out from the start and the girl had drained what little you had left. So take it easy for a while." I nodded and lifted one arm up to rest my hand on his bicep. His face flushed red the moment our skin made contact.

I went to move my head closer to his until I realized what I was doing. After that moment of embarrassment, that I hope he didn't notice, I pushed him away and stood apart from him. I crossed my arms over to hold either side of me as tears began to form.

"Thank you for helping me. But please go now." He took a step closer and held his hand up.

"But, Gray." As he almost made contact between us I flinched away and turned so that I was facing the wall instead of him.

"Just go." He dropped his hand down and stood for a second.

"See you at the guild tonight." He spun away.

"Or tomorrow." I said quietly. He paused his walking to listen to me before he continued walking until he got to the door and shut it behind him.

I dropped down to the ground and covered my face with my hands as I began to cry. I messed up again in battle and with Natsu.

I sat and cried allowing all of my emotions to leave me. I let them out into the small rooms of my house only to have them echo back and remind me of how alone I am.

I slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom with tears falling off of my chin. I sat down on the ground again and opened the cabinet. Without thinking I reached for the blade and brought it to my skin.

I added pressure and slid it across. Instead of stopping and waiting a moment, I did it again. And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

I did it until the numbness went away. Until I no longer felt the need to cry. I did it until I felt slightly human again.

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