Chapter 5

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Natsu made me get up and go to the guild with him. I honestly didn't really want to go today. He also gave me all of the reward from the mission. I yelled at him for it. All he said was that the four of them talked it over and thought that I needed it the most. Either way, I thanked him and sat all of it down on the stand in my house.

Just as we pushed through the doors of the Guild, I felt an overwhelming feeling of nerves. What if someone finds out my secret? What would they think?

"C'mon Gray. It's just family here." I slowly trailed my eyes over to Natsu who stood with a wide grin. I smiled a little before turning back to everyone. He's right this is just family. I walked away from him and over to a table. It was the one two away from the bar. It was enough for me to be close enough to the action if any fight broke out but far enough away from everyone that I didn't really have to speak to anyone. I sat playing with my hands for a while until I heard someone sit across from me.

"Gray-sama. How was your job?" I glanced up at her then back down to my hands.

"Uh. It was alright."

"Juvia wants to know all about your trip. How did you defeat the bad guy?" She leaned her elbows on the table while propping herself up on her hands.

"The trip was alright I guess and actually I wasn't the one that took the guy down." She gasped and looked at me in a confused manor.

"Well if you didn't, who did?" I smiled a little bit when remembering how he had jumped in to save me.

"Natsu." She tilted her head to the side.

"Juvia thought you went alone?" I nodded.

"Yea, I thought I did as well. Turns out him, Happy, Lucy and Erza followed me." She turned in her seat to glare at the blonde girl. I heard her muttering something about a love rival.

"Well, Juvia is glad you are alright." I looked over her shoulder to see Natsu getting punched by Erza. I laughed a little which caused Juvia to smile.

"Juvia wants to know what you are laughing at." My eyes landed back on her making me shake my head.

"Nothing." She sat and glared at me for a moment before smiling and asking a bunch of random questions about me.

Soon enough I told her that I was going to go on another job. She looked shocked as I stood up.

"But Gray-sama. You just took one yesterday." I bit my tongue for a second before responding.

"I know I took one yesterday but I'm going to take another today since there isn't anything to do." I started walking away from her. She kept calling my name but I didn't look back to her. Once I was at the request board I started looking through for a new job. I was hoping to find one and leave before Natsu and the others noticed.

Unfortunately, they noticed. Once again Natsu had walked up beside me and threw his arm over my shoulder. Lucy was to my right and Erza was to Natsu's left. Happy was stood in front of Lucy.

"So what job are we doing today?" Erza asked. I sighed quietly. Since Natsu was stood so close to me he was the only one that noticed. He turned his head to look at me. His eye brows were furrowed together.

"What's wrong?" He whispered. In return I just shook my head. We heard a small squeal as Lucy reached over to rip a paper off the board.

"How about this one? It says that there has been monsters attacking a small village. It is straight west from here and the reward is 75,000." We all looked around at each other.

"We can do that." Erza smiled at the rest of us.

"We can totally take them down!" Natsu retracted his arm from around me and pounded his fists together. "I'm all fired up!" Happy flew up beside him with a big grin across his face.

"Aye, sir!" They all looked to me. My eyes scanned around at all of my friends.

"Fine. I'll go too." They all cheered as Lucy took the flier over to Mira. Natsu turned to Erza and whispered something to her before turning back to me.

"Follow me." I gasped as he gripped my wrist tightly and tugged me along behind him. I tried to keep my eyes on the back of his head as we walked for the fact that I knew everyone was watching us. As soon as we stepped outside the guild he pulled me off to the side.

"Are you mad at one of us? Because you didn't sound too thrilled about this job." I immediately began shaking my head.

"No, I'm not mad." At least, not at them. At myself would be a different story. "Just a little tired is all." He crossed his arms over his chest and heaved a sigh.

"You sure you are alright and that you aren't mad?" I forced a smile and nodded.

"Yea." Lies. I'm far from being alright.

"Okay. That's good then. Now let's go on this job!"

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