Chapter 14

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That night Natsu had drug me back to the hall to see if Levy had found the spell yet. I just quietly followed behind and wondered what I was supposed to do if we were actually linked together. He would not only die when I die and feel my pain, but he'd also feel my emotions. What if he gets trapped inside this black hole as well? I can't let that happen to him.

"C'mon Gray! Pick up the pace!" Natsu was bouncing around me urging me to move faster. I don't want to though. I didn't want to be linked with him, maybe under a different circumstance but not this one. Not one where I am on the verge of taking my own life and now will have to deal with forcing myself to stay alive for his sake.

He pushed open the doors and happily walked in. I followed behind him slowly as we made our way through the groups of people. We eventually walked up to the table that Levy, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Gajeel and Lily were sat at. Natsu slammed his hand down on the table and smiled widely.

"So Levy, have that spell yet?" She nodded and looked to me. I smiled weakly at her as she stood up.

"Yea I have it. But are you sure you guys want to go through with this? Once I put it on you guys I will be able to take it off but it takes a lot of work." Natsu nodded.

"Yea. I'm ready for this. What about you?" He reached over and wrapped his hand around mine. I squeezed it and nodded. Anything to make him happy.

"Whoa what's going on?" Lucy asked as she sat up straight in her seat.

"Salamander wants to get a spell done on the two of them so that their pain and emotions will become one." Gajeel waved his hand towards us. I blushed as Natsu stepped closer to me.

"So could you do it now then please?" Erza wiggled her eye brows at us.

"Someone is eager." I gazed down to my feet. Levy had laughed and waved her hand to the table.

"Okay we will be back in a couple minutes." We followed her through the guild and down to the library. there was a single book open on one of the tables. She was always prepared for anything.

"Okay stay there." Him and I stopped and squeezed each others hand. I really don't want to do this but he wants to and I have to make him happy.

"Okay guys. All you have to do is picture the other person in your mind. Think about your feelings for them." She turned to face us and held her hands out. Her head was turned down towards the book as she started to chant certain words. She was saying them so quietly that I missed the majority of them. Suddenly both of our right wrists started to glow before fading out and leaving behind a pink heart on the middle of our wrist. On either side it spread out with black swirls until it reached the inside of our wrists. I looked over to Natsu's wrist and saw his markings were exact opposite of mine meaning that they were a perfect fit. Levy stepped over to us and clapped.

"Yay it worked!" Suddenly I felt a huge burst of energy. I held one hand up in the air and let out a loud yell.

"I'm so happy that we are now linked together!" I smiled widely. What? I turned to Natsu and saw him looking at me confusingly.

"I thought you weren't excited about this?" I dropped my hand but my smiled remained.

"I'm not but it seems like your happiness level out weights the level of my fear of having this done." His face went pink as he smiled back at me. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing.

"Thank you so much, Levy!" He grinned at her before dragging me out of the room and back to the main hall. We walked down it as I still had a smile on my face. How could he harvest this much happiness inside of him? How could his happiness level push away the dark cloud that constantly followed me around?

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