Chapter 15

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I laid with my back on my bed with my arm overtop of my eyes. I felt the coldness of the night air drifting in through my open window.

I couldn't get the words Juvia said to me out of my head. How does she know there are people who are out to get me? If these people really are going to try to murder me then what will happen to Natsu? Yes, I love him and care about him but when it comes down to it I won't fight to live.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from next to my window so I sat up and looked over. I saw a dark figure standing in my window sill. Just as I went to attack the person pounced down on top of me.

"Whoa Gray. Calm down its just me." I turned away from Natsu and placed a hand over my heart. He lifted his hand to rest it on top of mine.

"Are you okay? Ever since this evening you've been stressed and your heart as been beating like crazy." I pulled away from his touch and brought my arms up to hug them.

"I'm fine, Natsu." He sighed and sat down beside me, how I was sitting. I bent my knees down to either side of me and wrapped my arms around my middle. I looked out my window at the aura of stars. The houses all looked like they were bent at weird angles.

"I can tell you aren't. Now that we are linked I know more than what you think." I hugged myself even tighter. This stupid link is going to end up being the thing that takes his life away.

"I want to get rid of it." We both turned to look at each other.

"Get rid of what?" I took a deep breath.

"This link. Natsu, we aren't safe as long as it is placed on us.  We need to get rid of it, please." He turned his body so that he was full on facing me.

"No. With this here I will be able to tell when you are in danger and protect you better. We can't throw this away." I went to talk but didn't know what to say. He won't let us lift it no matter what I say.

"There is another reason why you want to do away with it isn't there?" He moved so that he was sat in front of me, blocking the view of the outside world.

"Gray Fullbuster," he leaned down so that our foreheads were touching. I closed my eyes to take in the moment. "I will not let you die." With that he leaned down and connected our lips.

At first it was a sweet and gentle kiss. I had moved my arms up to his waist as he brought his up around my neck. He pulled me closer to him to gain more access as he licked my bottom lip.

Normally I would've teased him but since I don't know when the people were going to attack I let him in right away. He began to move his tongue around until it bumped mine. We started fighting for dominance as he leaned into me more, causing me to fall back on the bed. He had detached himself from me and giggled as he fell down onto my chest. I smiled down at him and chuckled when seeing how red his face was.

He crawled up and put his hands on either side of my head before dropping himself down, only using his elbows to keep himself up.

"Hey, cutie." I blushed furiously at his words. We were neither one into the whole pet name thing so having him call me that was a shock. He giggled again as he watched my reaction.

"Come on. Look at me." I finally turned my head up towards him again. He lowered his head down and caught my lips with his once again. I tightened my grip around his neck to pull him down closer to me, if it were even possible. Once again he licked my bottom lip and I let him in.

We went on for a while until he pulled away. He left behind about an inch between us with a string of salvia. His eyes dropped down to it as he lifted a hand to wipe it away. I smiled at him and thought about how we are neither one going to be here much longer unless I find a way to get him to agree to lift the spell.

His eyes slowly came back up to mine as he balanced on his elbows again. He sighed slightly as his eyes became sad. He knew I was hiding something from him and that is what is making him sad.

"Gray, please let me in your mind. I need to know what is going on or I will never be able to help you." I leaned up to kiss him again but he pulled away.

"You can't just avoid this." I looked down to his scarf and moved my hand to the front of the fabric. I began to stroke the soft material. I guess he does have a right to know.

"Earlier, after you had ran off I went for a walk. Juvia had found me and we sat and talked for a little bit." He stayed silent and listened to every word I said. "She said that... There is a group of people. They want to find me and..." I trailed off and looked to the marking on my hand, the one that fit perfectly with his. He brought his hands over to the sides of my head and began to lightly massage my scalp with his thumbs.

"What are they going to do, Gray?" I closed my eyes and rested into his touch.

"They want to dispose of me. But we are linked which means if they got me, they unknowingly have you as well." He sat perfectly still, his hands stopping their movements. I felt as almost every emotion ran through him at once. Then he brought one hand to cup my cheek as he sat up on my stomach to straddle me. His other hand came over to cup the other side of my face.

"We are keeping the link as it is. Because I can't let you... I can't let you continue to hurt yourself. As for the group of people, they won't lay a finger on you." Without him needing to say, I knew it was a promise. It was sealed when he leaned down to kiss me once again. I felt as he shook with fear not knowing if he could actually keep this promise or not. He felt my trust and love for him which gave him even more strength.

We will survive this. Together.

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