The poison is also the antidote (pt2)

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John couldn't help but feel a tickly feeling in his own stomach, butterflies. He wanted Sherlock more than anything, but he knew from Sherlock stating it many times that he "considered himself married to his work" so he would never return these feelings.

Sherlock on the other hand was experiencing feelings he'd never felt before, he wanted to be with john constantly, he loved it when John held him close and he could hear Johns gentle heart beat, or those times when everything was bad and all John had to do was look at him with the calming blue eyes like the sky on a sunny day and he felt home again. He couldn't understand these feelings but he wanted to let his heart choose his course of action, let his soul decide and overrun his brain, put him into a new state of mind where the world was fuzzy and clear at the same time. A place where the only sunlight was the one given off by John and only John.

Sherlock woke from his daydreams to the soft metal clink of pans being moved about in the kitchen, wooden spoons making a gentle clunk against the base of the pan.

Sherlock stretched and yawned, finding that his slacks weren't very comfortable, he stood up and very carefully made his way to his room, and changed into his pajama bottoms after rummaging through his wardrobe to find them, he then made his way towards the kitchen and yawned again as he stretched his arms up above his head, revealing his belly slightly as the jumper lifted and then dropped back down as he lowered his arms back to his sides.

Sherlock walked over to the kitchen table and sat on top, swinging his legs in a childlike manor, John looked over his shoulder to look at the intruder and laughed quietly to himself.

"what are you laughing at?" Sherlock questioned him, one eyebrow raised and the corners of his lips turning upwards at John.

John smiled again, "just you, your like owning a little kid" he explained with a small laugh.

Sherlock tilted his head to the side, "is that a good thing or a bad thing?" his smile momentarily disappearing.

"I think a good thing, its kind of cute" John said, realising he had voiced his honest opinion out loud to Sherlock who was now looking at him with a sort of dazed expression, probably still not completely with it. Sherlock had actually been holding his breath, lack of oxygen in his brain making him become weak.

Sherlock began to look tired again, his shoulders falling forwards, his back hunched over with his head dropping down limply, John studied his face and noticed that Sherlock's eyes were gently closing and his mouth hanging slightly open. The detective's body began to grow limp and John caught him just as his tall frame fell forwards off the table.

"Sherlock are you okay? Sherlock?" John said slightly panicked by his friend suddenly feinting. John carried him over to the sofa and lay him down, gently cupping Sherlock's face in his hands, and checking his pulse which was steady. he gently shook Sherlock's shoulders and after a while Sherlock regained consciousness, his eyes fluttered open and met the gaze of John's blue ones, they were watery and panicked and his mouth was trembling slightly.

John looked into Sherlock's eyes, instantly calming him but also making the tears he had held back begin to gently roll down his face, Sherlock looked at him worriedly, and reached up a weak arm to wipe away the tears from his face.

"what happened?" Sherlock asked, now hugging John against him so that they were laying on the sofa together.

"you just feinted and I panicked and I carried you to the sofa and then I put you down and I tried to wake you and then you woke up, thank god your okay" John said, stumbling over his words and hugging Sherlock tight against him.

"its okay, its just this illness or something,  but on a less serious note, you think I'm 'cute', really John?" Sherlock said with a small laugh, a smile tugging at the corners of his cupid bow lips.

John blushed slightly, looking into Sherlock's eyes, pupils dilated, and his irises blue and green and brown, a multitude of colours. John gently reached up to touch Sherlock's neck, he could feel Sherlock's pulse quickening under his fingertips as Sherlock leaned into the touch. John started to think that maybe, his feelings were retuned from his flat mate, John gently cupped Sherlock's face, running the pad of his thumb against his sharp cheekbones. he lifted his other hand and stroked the fallen curls from his pale face, revealing his porcelain skin which was as smooth as wet clay.

The nagging ache in Sherlock's heart seemed to dissipate, replaced by a steady quick thud as Johns face inched closer to his until their noses brushed past each other and their lips met, the gap between them closing until their bodies touched with no gaps between, not room for a single particle of dust to come between them.

Sherlock's inexperienced mouth moved against John's, his hands clasping tightly to Johns's shirt as John gently tangled his hand in his hair, getting quiet moans from Sherlock. Sherlock leaned heavily against John, his hands clasping onto Johns arms as he lost all his breath but in the most hypnotic way.

When they broke away Sherlock was gasping for breath and John was looking at him, his eyes alight like an icy fire, Sherlock looked at John with loving eyes and John hugged him tight.

"I love you" John whispered, Sherlock froze again and forgot to breathe. "For goodness sake sherl, breathe!"

Sherlock breathed in and out and then replied shyly "I l-love you t-too John" before nuzzling his head and hiding his face in Johns chest in embarrassment.

"Sherlock your adorable when your shy" John chuckled, kissing the tip of Sherlocks curls. Sherlock looked up at John, a faint pink blush that covered his cheeks and nose and neck. "Your blushing" John teased.

"Stop it!" Sherlock whined, going a deeper shade making John tease him further until he had resided to hiding his head inside the jumper he was wearing.

"Careful, you'll stretch it!" John laughed, lifting the jumper so that Sherlocks bare torso was revealed along with his head and mop of black hair. Sherlock tucked his chin against his bare chest and brought his knees up to his stomach. John gently tickled him on his bare skin making Sherlock squirm and giggle unable to control himself.

"What are you doing to meee!" Sherlock screeched between his uncontrollable squealing. Sherlock tried to escape by rolling off the sofa over John but only managed to bring John with him in the process of hitting his head on the coffee table. John hovered over him, his knees either side of Sherlock and his hands holding onto Sherlocks shoulders pinning him to the ground. This didn't go as Sherlock had planned it at all, also his head was now killing him.

"Argh, my head" Sherlock whined, lifting his head off the floor slightly.

"Did Shezza hit his head?" John said in a voice that a parent would use on a screeching toddler.

Sherlock nodded slightly, peering up at John who towered over him. John gently reached a hand up and stroked Sherlocks head and then lifting it to position a pillow under it. He then began to tickle Sherlock again and in the crook of his neck making him whimper slightly and arch his back. John tickled round the back of his ribs making him screech and laugh to the point he had tears coming down his face.

"Your evil" Sherlock exclaimed, his voice high pitched and girly. John just laughed before placing a kiss on the detectives lips to silence him. Sherlock arched his back again as John kissed him and John began to place featherlight kisses along his jawline and neck.

Sherlock squirmed underneif him before John sat back and pulled Sherlock up with him, both smiling like idiots.

"Am I still evil?" John asked innocently.

Sherlock pretended to think for a second before answering, "yes" Sherlock said quite positively.

"Shut up shezza" John said kissing him on the nose making him go pink along his nose, cheeks and neck.

"The poison is also the antidote" Sherlock whispered to himself as him and John stood up to go make fresh tea since there's had gone cold. "Love is a much more viscous motivator"

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