Protective Army doctor

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A/N: this is quite a long one and also if you believe there should be a part 2 then please tell me.

"Who's he?" John asked, pointing accusingly at the man that had just left their flat, John watched him leave through the window until he was out of sight. He wasn't much difference in height from Sherlock, maybe a little taller and broader shoulders, his hair was slicked down and greasy and a slight auburn colour.

"Temporary boyfriend, it's for a case John" Sherlock explained, untying his scarf from around his neck and hanging it up.

"Who is he though?" John asked slightly frustrated.

"Oh he's called Jake" Sherlock said simply.

"Does he know it's fake?"

"Yeah, he agreed to it, said I just needed someone to pretend to be my boyfriend and he offered."

"Don't give him the wrong ideas though" John warned as he pulled the curtains shut in the living room.

"What kind of ideas?" Sherlock asked, genuinely confused, John felt a pain in his chest at that, so innocent and pure.

"Just- just don't lead him on, okay?" John said softly as he went towards the kitchen to make them both tea.

"Okay--" Sherlock answered uncertainly. John chuckled and turned to Sherlock who was now sat on the counter and ruffled a hand through his hair, he wasn't sure however, if he imagined how Sherlock leaned into the touch.

"So what's the case?" John asked to lighten the mood a little.

"Some man accused of murdering his wife and cheating on her with a  man but said man apparently works in this gay bar not far from oxford street and I need to get information but I don't want unwanted attention for appearing single so I've got Jake" Sherlock explained.

"Tell me how the case goes" John said with a smile as he handed Sherlock his cup and moved to lean against the opposite counter.


It was the next day when Sherlock had decided he needed to go and investigate.

"You can't wear that, they'll recognize you" John pointed out, indicating Sherlocks coat.

"Well What do I wear then?" Sherlock asked, tugging lightly at his coat.

"Oh come on, get upstairs" John commanded softly.

"What, why?" Sherlock asked curiously as John took hold of his shoulder and turned him towards the stairs, pushing him gently towards them so that the detective stumbled slightly and then began to trod up them carefully.

"Go on" John encouraged and gave him a little nudge so that Sherlock went a little faster until he was on the landing and watching John with inquisitive eyes.

John chuckled and opened the door as Sherlock plasterers himself as tightly as he could into the small space of the landing so John could pass before he followed him warily.

John went over to his small wardrobe and made Sherlock sit down on the bed.

"Take your coat off" John told him as he began to dig through the items in the wardrobe, pulling random pieces out and pushing others further in. He eventually pulled out what he wanted and handed the small pile of clothing over to the detective who was now sat with his ankles crossed and coat folded neatly next to him on the bed.

"Okay, I'll leave you get changed, call me if you need me" John said softly, as he left the room and pulled the door to, sitting down on the stairs.

One shots (johnlock fluff mostly) Where stories live. Discover now