Happy beginning in a solemn place

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A/N based off a prompt I found:
I see you every month I visit my family member at the graveyard and usually you look like your dealing fine but this time you were crying and I just had to go and hug you.

She'd died when I was a teen but I still visit with my family on the anniversary of her passing. I see you every time.

Each time I visit the graveyard your standing there, coat turned up to the wind, your hands in your pockets, blue scarf gently blowing, your chocolate curls glistening in the afternoon sunlight and you've always fascinated me. You seem so mysterious.

But this time, for the first time, I watched you cry as my mum handed me the flowers to place on my gran's grave, I saw the gentle tears flow down your pale face, I saw the sobs that wracked your body but you stayed silent the whole time. Your probably not much younger than me, 24, 23?

I watched you and I saw the exact moment your heart shattered, I saw the pain in your usually cold eyes, the grief etched onto your usual emotionless features.

I wanted to help you, you looked so fragile. I left my family slowly without then knowing, I left them to say hello to a person who won't talk back, grans not in pain anymore, but you are. You need my help, my attention, I know you need me.

I approached your broken figure, I wanted to pick up the pieces. I stepped right up to you, and I froze in my tracks, what shall I do now?

My body reacted with instinct, it flowed in a manner I never knew I had and before I could register my arms had built a firm cage around your shoulders and my head was next to yours as I carded a hand through your hair.

I don't know you, but I want to.

"It's okay" I tell you softly, and you look up at me with the softest smile, you hug me back just as gently and you seem to trust me.

"My names John, what's yours?" I ask you to distract you from the obvious pain, something positive to talk about.

"Sh-Sherlock" you stutter under emotions but I hold you steady, I keep you afloat when your drowning and I know already we balance each other out.

I know it today as I look in your eyes, it's a solemn setting for a happy beginning, and I'm down on one knee and I'm in the mud, we're not afraid anymore.

I pull out a box,
and I see you cry,
not from sadness
but tears of joy

It's a new beginning
In a solemn place
As I ask you to be mine
A smile on my face

You nod happily
And there is shines
The engagement ring
To symbolize:

My love for you
It will never die
I'll hold you close
When you need to cry

And you'll hold me up
When I fail to stand
I'll look up at you
And hold your hand

A happy beginning
In a solemn place
I'll hold you close
But we're not afraid.

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