Car radio

732 22 5

AN: any requests are accepted and I'll get around to them ASAP. This is just a little one to make up for inactivity. Also please comment and tell me what you think

After a few minutes of driving in silence, the dead of night enclosing the city of bath, John tried to find a radio channel only to find if didn't work before clicking through it and finding there was a forgotten cd in the player let that run through instead.

It stuttered for s moment before it cleared out, the speakers tinny snd crackling with certain notes and yet the passenger made no sound. He was curled up against the window, watching as if nothing bothered him in his life but John knew better.

Lighthouse without the light
You smile without your eyes

The speakers crackled again, John ignored it, he'd learnt well to ignore things. The song jumped slightly then as they went over a pothole in the road now driving onto lesser known roads.

Let me love the pain your going through
I think I'll save myself by saving you

The car finally slowed in a lay-by, the suspension creaking slightly as John turned to look at the passenger before sighing and getting out of the car. He went around to the boot and with s bit of brute force managed to get the boot to the old golf open.

He shuffled through the things they'd brought for a moment before pulling out a flask of tea they'd brought (John) and brought it around to the front of the car as well as a tartan blanket. He pushed both Into the lap of the detective before going back to the boot and pulling out the camera and binoculars.

"I can hear you thinking Sherlock, what is it?" John asked as he sat back in the drivers seat. He received no answer and the receiver probably just hadn't heard him or perhaps chosen to ignore him in favour of the case.

The radio clicked silently in the car and a frequency picked up before being lost again and the cd restarted itself as though on its own accord, the doctor idly picking at the duck tape wrapped tightly around the steering wheel keeping all the foam in the right place.

I set fire to the only thing that lead me from the streets, don't tell me it's over, cause I don't want to believe

The detective shifted in his seat pulling his coat minutely tighter around him before leaning forward in his chair and taking up the binoculars, infra red on them switched on so he could see any activity in the darkness. John checked his phone but no signal so he set it down again in the doorwell.

I had to lose it all so I could understand,
Oh I was just a boy in the shadow of a man

John grabbed the files from the back seat, the Manila envelope soft against his worn fingers as he opened it, scanning over the details. He checked the time to see how long they had been there before seeing it had only been an hour and 23 minutes.

When you're holding back the words because your scared of being hurt

The speaker cracked loud in the car and Sherlock winced. "Turn that racket off John it's distracting me" he snapped.

"Yes and listen to the sound of my own breathing for another 6 hours?" John answered sarcastically but turned it down none the less.

The stake out seeming futile they finally decided to move off again. John went to start the engine but it stuttered and grumbled unhappily, a quiet ticking noise coming from the engine as the starter motor decided to play up.

"You killed the batteries leading to our early demise in the middle of nowhere" Sherlock grumbled. "It'll be weeks until they find our bodies. Who's killing who first?"

John just raised a brow at Sherlock, a stern look on his face as Sherlock finally stopped talking and looked at john like it was all his fault which isn't true. It was only partially Johns fault.

"Get in the car" John said after a moment, "turn it on"

"John as you can very clearly see it's not starting"

"I know that you cock, look just just start it and I'll go round the back, we need to bump start it, I had to do this with Harry's car in college a few times" John said as he went around the back of the car and looked for purchase before starting to Push his feet scrabbling at the gravel before beginning to very slowly push the car forward. "Clutch Sherlock, left pedal" John grouched and after several attempts the car stuttered forward the engine rumbling again, loud in the silence of the night.

John got into the passenger seat at that point and sat next to sherlock who was staring ahead before glancing at John from the corner of his eye his lips quirking, Johns pen lips did the same before a lie chuckle escaped his friend and they found themselves laughing.

The stereo crackled in the background.

Let me love the lonely out of you
Let me love the pain you're going through
I think I'll save myself by saving you
Let me love the lonely out of you

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