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"It was a vital piece of evidence J-John!" Sherlock protested, huddling himself into a ball in the back of the cab.

"No excuse to go diving in the Thames!" John defended, looking over at the dripping detective sat next to him.

"Y-yeah yeah you've made your point John, but it was essential to the persons a-alibi" Sherlock shivered as he spoke, holding tightly onto himself.

"You could have caught hyperthermia, still could at this rate" John exclaimed taking in Sherlocks drenched clothes.

"Come here" John said softly.

"W-what?" The detective asked confused.

"Come over here before you catch your death" John said firmly, lifting his arm out of the way. Sherlock still looked confused so John wrapped his arm around Sherlocks waist and pulled him towards him, before wrapping his arm around the detectives shoulders.

Sherlock froze at the contact, his eyes wide before settling into John's warm side, he'd managed to stay dry due to the fact Sherlock had climbed out before John got the chance to go after him. John was warm and smelt like jam and almonds, basically like "bakewell tarts".

"Sorry?" John asked confused.

"What?" Sherlock questioned.

"You said 'bakewell tarts', what do you mean?"

Sherlock froze, had he really said that out loud? He chose to lie his way out, "I felt hungry and that's what I thought of" he said simply.

John just hummed and let Sherlock lean into his side, his hand rubbing up and down to try to bring back circulation to his icy skin.

When the cab pulled up outside their flat, John decided he may as well just carry the detective, Sherlock stiffened as John leaned back into the cab and grabbed around Sherlocks waist, lifting him up over his shoulder in a fireman lift.

"John I am capable you no-know" Sherlock protested, laying limply over the doctors shoulder. Right shoulder to be precise.

John just smiled as he held his arm round the back of the detectives thighs to keep him on his shoulder and unlocked the door before going upstairs to their flat, careful to mind Sherlocks head.

John then carried Sherlock straight to the bathroom and made a bath for him.

"Okay have a bath, I'll grab your pajamas a second and then come back into the living room when your done" John instructed him, before heading to Sherlocks room and fetching the blue silk trousers and grey pajama top. He then left and headed to the bathroom where Sherlock was waiting.

John set the detectives pajamas onto the toilet seat before turning around to face him, Sherlock was shivering and John sighed sympathetically as he went up to Sherlock and began to undo the shirt buttons.

He then slipped the shirt off Sherlocks shoulders, fetching his own nightgown off the door and draping it over Sherlocks shoulders to contain whatever warmth he had left.

"Sure you can do the rest on your own" John said as he pulled the nightgown shut around the detective, the thicker material warming Sherlocks skin.

Sherlock trembled as he managed to get his trousers off and then John helped him stand in the bath, removing the nightgown carefully as he lowered himself in to give him some decency.

"That good?" John asked as Sherlock lowered himself into the bubbles and relished in the warmth. Sherlock nodded and John chuckled, reaching over to grab the shampoo.

He held Sherlocks head in his hand and lowered him into the water, wetting the dirty curls, he then lifted his head again to apply the shampoo gently and then washed it out, he did this with the conditioner also and then took the body wash, warming it in his hands before he gently massaged it along Sherlocks shoulders, arms, chest and torso.

He let Sherlock do his legs and then helped him stand out of the bath, looking away as he handed Sherlock a towel. The detective wrapped it around his waist and John took the nightgown again and put it on Sherlock and then helping him into the silk pajama bottoms. He then helped him into the t-shirt before giving Sherlock his own jumper which Sherlock put on unwillingly even though John could tell he appreciated the warmth.

"Are you warm enough yet?" John asked softly, as he grabbed a blanket from the airing cupboard and wrapped Sherlock tightly in it.

"I'm fine John" Sherlock insisted, with an involuntary shiver shaking through his body once he'd finished speaking.

"Bed now" John instructed, leading Sherlock into his bedroom and helping him get under the covers. He tucked Sherlock into the sheets, like a mother would to a child and then went to fetch a hot water bottle which he then laid onto the detectives stomach under the blankets.

"Thankyou John" Sherlock said quietly as John did a quick checkup to see if he was suffering in any way.

"Your an idiot, do you know that?" John said fondly as he stroked across Sherlocks forehead, the detective leaned into the warm touch and John chuckled quietly. 

John slid onto the bed next to the detective, slipping his shoes off and lifted Sherlocks torso so that it was laying in his lap, against his chest.

Sherlock chuckled slightly when John moved him into his new position and instantly relaxed when he felt John's warm chest against his back, warm arms wrapping around his own chest and stomach.

"Warmer?" John asked softly, his lips brushing Sherlocks curls, breath ghosting down Sherlocks spine. Sherlock nodded, he couldn't trust his voice now. "Good"

That night in 221b Baker Street, only one bedroom was needed, john held to Sherlock as he curled up in his arms, breathing John in, storing the moment away to refer back to when he was cold, scared and alone, another memory in the John-wing of his palace. Another happy yet uneventful day. Another night with John.

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