As long as stars are above you.

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Sherlock woke to an empty bed, not long since John had left but it still felt cold and pitiful.

John had only gone to fetch milk but Sherlock already felt alone as if John had abandoned him for life, he never did deal well on his own after he had met John.

5'6" of soft cuddly army doctor, broad shoulders and warm smile and the man that mattered to him the most was the great detective Sherlock Holmes. The man he'd vowed to spend the rest of his life with.

And here Sherlock was wandering downstairs, alone, to the kitchen. There was a hot cup of tea sat on the side showing John had only left a few minutes ago and Sherlock must've woken to the door of his flat being closed by his lover.

He took the tea and turned to leave when he saw a note stuck on the fridge, post it note in pale blue.

Gone to get the milk love,
I'll see you in a bit
-JW xx

Sherlock smiled softly at the note and folded it up, tucking it into his nightgown pocket along with his phone and other random things such as a small box of rosin, a soft ball and a few pieces of paper.

Sherlock sat down with his tea and sipped at it carefully, enjoying the sweet flavor that lingered on his tongue.

He closed his eyes, sipping at the tea when he heard the door open downstairs along with John's steady walk, the creak of the stairs, it could be no other man. He smiled to himself as he finished his tea and opened the door just in time to see John.

But then he froze, because besides the milk in one arm was a bunch of red roses in the other, alongside that a box of cadburys chocolates and a bow to hold them together.

John was smiling sweetly up at him and handed the stunned detective the roses and chocolate before steering him back inside and toward the living room.

Sherlock set the chocolate and roses down on the side and John hugged him gently from behind, breathing in the smell of his husband, holding him close.

Sherlock turned in his arms to face him and John leaned up, kissing him softly.

"Morning love" John said softly as Sherlock smiled down at him, a look of pure affection in his eyes that made John melt.

"What's all this for?" Sherlock asked amused. John kissed him again, leaving Sherlock breathless and weak in the knees.

"Why can't i get my lovely, perfect husband a treat every now and then, why must there be a reason?" John joked gently, stroking Sherlocks cheekbone with his thumb.

"Isn't there a reason for everything?" Sherlock asked.

"Okay then, the reason will be: I love you and I need to remind you as often as possible because your perfect to me" John replied with a constantly growing smile as he watched his husband blush.

John gently took his husbands long pale hands in his own, hooking his fingers and curling his thumbs around his, tugging him gracefully to the center of the room before going to put the music on the stereo.

He pressed play before going back to his husband and guiding them into a slow box step, Sherlock smiled his special grin, reserved only for John and John couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable look on his face.

How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you
And longer, if I can.

John sang quietly along with the chorus, cupping Sherlocks cheek and letting Sherlock lean into his hand.

How long will I need you?
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan.

How long will I be with you?
As long as the sea is bound to
Wash upon the sand.

"Forever then?" Sherlock chuckled.


How long will I want you?
As long as you want me to
And longer by far.

How long will I hold you?
As long as your father told you,
As long as you can.

How long will I give to you?
As long as I live through you
However long you say.

How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you
And longer, if I may.

"May I?" John whispered.


We're all traveling through time together
Every day of our lives.
All we can do is do our best
To relish this remarkable ride.

As the song drew to an end, John held tightly to Sherlocks waist and Sherlock hooked his arms around John's neck, his leg lifted by John as he dipped him backwards and then kissed him slowly and passionately showing all the unspoken words that were never said.

"And this is where you say--" Sherlock began.

"I love you" they said in unison as John gently lifted Sherlock steadily back to his feet and spun him around the room before leading them out to their bedroom just down the hallway.

"I love you" they said in unison as John gently lifted Sherlock steadily back to his feet and spun him around the room before leading them out to their bedroom just down the hallway

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