Im telling you now

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Pt.2 to I'll tell you when I get home
Also what do you think or Mycys character??

It was a few days later that after a lot of begging and insisting, even on Johns behalf, that the doctors allowed Sherlock to be discharged so long as his stitches were checked every three hours  and the gauze was refreshed every twelve.

So maybe it was slightly surprising when John had just grabbed the fresh clothes to put on his flatmate that the door opened and a wheelchair appeared with Mycroft Holmes, of all people, pushing it into the room. John simply smiled at him warmly, before the elder Holmes left the room and John set the clothes next to where the younger man was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Come on then, lets get these on" John decided with a smile up at Sherlock to which was weakly returned. "See, Myc's brought your pyjamas instead of your suits so you should be comfortable."

John first got him into pants and then into the soft, worn silk pyjama bottoms and pulled them up to his hips before moving onto the old cotton grey tshirt which he guided Sherlocks arms through the sleeves before being careful to get his head through and then unrolling it carefully over the wound.

"There we go" John whispered gently before pressing a very gentle kiss over the area of the wound before looking up at Sherlock who's eyes were wide in surprise and his mouth a perfect 'o' of wonder.

"I'll tell you when we get home" Sherlock whispered, and his voice was weak and scratchy but John heard him all the same as he reached over and grabbed the red silk nightgown which he put his own arms through backwards before latching his hands onto sherlocks and then letting the material fold in on itself and cover the younger mans arms.

When Sherlock was changed Mycroft entered the room again and moved the wheelchair over to rest by the bed, umbrella nowhere in sight. John nodded to Mycroft minutely before deciding on how was best to transfer the weak detective onto the chair without him straining himself to much.
He eventually decided although he wasn't sure how much the younger man might protest so instead did it without warning.

He wrapped his arms one across sherlocks shoulders and another under his knees before lifting him off the bed and carefully settling him into the chair. Mycroft smiled gratefully at John before quickly dashing out the room only to return with a tatty softened blanket with different species of bees and facts about them. John looked on questioningly as Mycroft draped it over his younger brother being sure to make it cover him completely.

Sherlock gasped in surprise before looking up at Mycroft, his features open and his eyes soft as a slow childlike smile creeped up his features and Mycroft very gently stroked a hand through his curls.

John was sure he would never see the Holmes brothers this affectionate ever again and was almost tempted to catch it on camera but having not had his phone and also fairly certain they would notice a phone and stop immediately he decided to save it to memory instead, a memory that they did love each other in their own way.

When they eventually did leave, Mycroft was pushing his wheelchair whilst John carried his best friends coat and scarf, alongside the medical notes that he would be revising back to when they were home. They finally got to the car outside which was now a limo where it stood, grumbling and purring as the engine was at idle and Sherlock was transferred to the back seat alongside John as a nurse ran the wheelchair back inside. Mycroft then sat opposite them with his eye constantly on his little brother and all the way back to the flat was thanked in many different ways without actually uttering the words by the British Government himself.

Eventually the black jaguar limo pulled up into Baker Street outside Speedys and Mycroft got out of the car before taking the keys off John for the flat and opening the front door. He then went back up to the jag and took sherlocks coat and scarf before heading upstairs and hanging the items before opening the unlocked flat door.

John couldn't stop the slight smile that creeped up his features before he controlled his smile once more and went back to a more military stance and then lifting Sherlock out of the car.

"John, I can walk!" Sherlock defended but made no attempt to escape as John carried him bridal style towards the door and then up the stairs into their flat before Mycroft opened sherlocks bedroom door and then Sherlock was able to lie down on the bed.

John propped him up on pillows and lay his blanket over him as Mycroft watched from the doorway.

"Anyway, I bests be off" Mycroft declared, seemingly awkward in the mist of affection and loyalty radiating off the soldier.

"You can stay Mycroft" John offered but the older Holmes just shook his head.

"No, really, I best be off, you take care of him John" he decided as he began heading backwards through the door. "Goodbye Sherlock, get well" and with a nod and a swift turn of his highly polished shoes, he was gone.

It was silent for a moment before they both began to chuckle quietly, smiling at each other happily.

"So-" John began before cutting himself off unsure of what to say.

"So-" Sherlock repeated.

"What were you going to tell me?" John asked decidedly, looking at where his hand had gently been resting next to Sherlock's. Sherlock appeared to freeze at the words and John decided to move his hand, resting over the top of the detectives. Squeezing reassuringly.

"I-" Sherlock cut himself off and squeezed his eyes shut before looking into Johns ocean blue ones.

"I think I may have developed feelings for you, and I know you don't do that, but I think I'm in love with you John Watson." Sherlock said quickly, breathing in deeply and holding his breath, waiting for John's reaction.

"Then I think I can say the feelings are mutual" John decided before leaning over and looking for confirmation before pressing a quick kiss to Sherlock's cheek.

"I'll show you when you've healed" John decided before going to make tea for them, leaving Sherlock to ponder. A satisfied smile on his face.

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