Tied to a chair

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A/N: so I've been busy writing my actual book alongside college and all that, luckily I have no social life however to affect this time so that's good. Anyhow, here's a new story,yes see how it goes!

"SHERLOCK DONT YOU BLOODY DARE-!" John exclaimed before he was cut off by Sherlock letting another bullet fly loose from the barrel of his revolver.

"RIGHT THATS IT, IM CONFISCATING YOUR GUN TOO NOW! YOURE LIKE A BLOODY CHILD!" John shouted in annoyance as he yanked the gun from Sherlock's hands, went to remove the ammunition only to find Sherlock had already used it all.

Sherlock growled before throwing himself backwards into the sofa with a feline style stretch as he whined for the hundredth time that day, "Jawn!" He groaned in his agitation to do something; the syllables drawn out to the maximum length he could manage. "I'm bored!"

"Yes well that's your own fault, go do something, I bet you haven't even eaten today, have you?" John decided with a pointed look in Sherlock's direction who just raised an eyebrow.

John then went to the kitchen, throwing his hands in the air when he saw the state of their table and the floor around it before shaking his head and deciding to deal with it later.

He made some toast with jam which e hoped to provide energy and bring what was likely low sugar levels back up before setting it on the coffee table next to where the four year old consulting detective lay.

"Eat" John told him firmly.

"Yes sir" Sherlock sat up smoothly with a cat like grace before smirking at John and proceeding to eat the toast he had been given.

"Shut it" John growled before moving to sit in his own chair.

He listened to the sound of Sherlock eating and then the sound of the crust being dropped unceremoniously onto the plate before the quick dust against his trouser legs to remove himself from crumbs.

"Right I'm going out, if you care to join me, come now, I don't want to find half an hour later to see you hiding in a hedge following me" John announced as he set his tea down and went to take it out to the kitchen.

When John was all tidied up and grabbing his coat he cast a questioning look at Sherlock, one eyebrow arched and a very slight quirk of lips to where Sherlock lay upside off the sofa, legs handing where his head should be and unruly curls sweeping the floor when Sherlock shook his head with a shrug.

"Fine, suit yourself" John told him as he shrugged on his coat, "I'll be back in two hours" he said before he left.


Two hours later John did indeed return but only to the sound of a thud and the scratching of wood against wooden floorboards.

He went upstairs with a sigh and opened the flat door. What he saw didn't stop the fond smile creeping across thin lips.

There was a noise from the sight that followed, Sherlock tied to a chair with duct tape across his mouth and a blindfold across his eyes. His feet were also bound with rope and it took all of Johns will not to laugh. His smile dropped though when he saw the cut across the younger mans brow.

Dropping smoothly to the floor besides Sherlock he leaned over and carefully undid the blindfold that had also been tied into some of his hair by mistake.

As soon as he removed it from his friends head, crystalline eyes snapped up at him, pleading for help to escape whilst they also held a very clear at annoyance at being caught off guard in the first place.

"What happened to you, eh?" John asked and then belatedly he realised that the other participant still couldn't speak which earned him an eye roll. "Right yeah yeah, I know"

He caught the corner of the duct tape and deciding it would be better if it was removed quickly, got a firmer grip and yanked it away in one smooth motion which allowed Sherlock a loud gasp and then a muffled whimper. John looked closely at his friends face to see his eyes were watering slightly.

"Hang on a second, let me get your hands and feet and then we'll be done yeah?" John said softly before moving over Sherlock to reach his hands which were tightly bound and the knot seemed unwilling to undo.

Looking round he caught sight of the knife in the stack of mail on the mantelpiece which he yanked free sending old spam mail scattering to the floor.

Taking the knife he sawed through the rope and freed Sherlock's hands before standing up and surveying the situation before he decided to grab sherlocks left shoulder, in which he had landed, earning another whimper and bringing him and the chair back into a reasonably upright position.

He then quickly did sherlocks feet and then the man stood, if not unsteadily to collapse yet again into the sofa, a muffled thankyou escaping against the cushions.

"Oi you git, I need to check you over first!" John pointed out before going over to sherlock and sitting himself on the coffee table next to his flatmate.

First he checked for concussion and going by the blank stare and disorientated look his flatmate gave him, he confirmed that with a frown.

"Who tied you up?" John asked as he pressed his thumb to sherlocks eyebrow and raised it to look more closely into his eyes and check his pupil dilation.

"Some clienth who weren't very 'appy with me" Sherlock explained.

"Slurred speech, pupil dilation not suiting to this light and also your very clearly dazed, it's obvious you have concussion besides this cut to your hairline and earlier you landed on your shoulder and you have been rubbed raw on your wrists and ankles." John listed off and Sherlock just smiled dazedly at him which confirmed everything really.

John headed off to get the Savlon from the bathroom and went back to Sherlock, squirting a small amount onto his finger he then took sherlocks foot and began applying the cream carefully over the reddened skin. He then did his other foot before taking both of sherlocks wrist at the same time and circling his thumbs gently over his inner wrist.

Sherlock watched him in a daze (concussion) and frowned when John lifted his wrist to his lips and pressed a featherlight kiss to each.

He then cleaned the wound on sherlocks head and added some sterile strips to hold the wound shut.

Finally he moved onto sherlocks shoulder, making sure the man was now sat upright, his knees pressed between Johns own.

John carefully unbuttoned the buttons of sherlocks shirt before freeing his left arm, he rotated the joint, listening carefully and feeling with skilled fingers across the inflamed skin.

"I'll be right back" John said before heading to the kitchen and filling a small bowl with olive oil he warmed it up on the microwave. He then took it back to Sherlock, and having grabbed a towel as he left the kitchen, he used the towel to make sure sherlocks shirt wouldn't get any oil on it and then coating the palms of his hands in oil and smearing the liquid onto his shoulder be began to knead his fingers into the muscle beneath. Sherlock winced in pain every so often before the pain was replaced by a pleasant feeling and soon johns work was done.

The excess oil was removed and helping Sherlock change into a more comfortable tshirt he allowed Sherlock to rest on the sofa with a small smile on his face.

Another day at Baker Street complete.

A/N: I researched all of this and these are all telltale signs and also remedies for such injuries! I'm a dork.

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