My drabble

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Phanaticplier happy_days137 so along with Fhhin360 we have become a strange family of sorts. Therefore I have decided to write a mini story on this event... I'm not really sure why I wrote this haha

The sun broke through the curtains, seeping onto the white sheets of the second floor bedroom in 221b. They lay there, Sherlock and John, John and Sherlock, as they had every night for a few years now, curled around each other sleeping peacefully when a knock on the door indicated of someone's presence outside.

The knocking persisted no matter how much Sherlock tried to press his face into Johns stomach to block out the hollow sound. Johns arms had tightened around his middle and held him protectively until Sherlock had grumbled out an annoyed sigh and untangled himself from John who blearily opened his eyes and blinked at Sherlock.

"Sherlock, they'll probably just go" John pointed out with a yawn, rubbing tiredly at his eyes.

"No it's fine, it's too insistent, probably Gavin or something with a case" Sherlock decided as he shrugged his nightgown over his bare shoulders and tied it tightly to not reveal anything.

"Fine, come back though or ya know, scream if something happens" John said with a lazy smile as Sherlock slipped from the room.

The knocking increased and Sherlock hurried down the stairs juts so he could stop the incessant banging and opened the door ready to be snide to whoever awaited him but instead was greeted with a flustered lestrade and two young girls.

"Look, sorry to have to bring this on you but they're in danger and we needed a safe house that they wouldn't know about and we need you and John to take care of Jay and Lidia for us until we can sort this damn thing out." Lestrade said anxiously, looking at Sherlock with pleading eyes.

"I--what?" Sherlock paused briefly and looked at Lestrade in shock.

Lestrade nudged them all inside and soon they were all standing in the living room in a weird attempt at a circle.

Sherlock sighed and then called out, "JOHN THERE ARE CHILDREN IN OUR LIVING ROOM!" As Lestrade blocked his ears and the two girls began to laugh.

There was a scuffle along the corridor and soon John ran out in his pajamas that had been hastily pulled on, his tshirt on back to front.

"Greg, what's going on?" John asked seriously this time despite the fact he had only just rolled out of bed.

"I just need you to take care of them, they are sisters and orphaned with no other family and whilst we're looking for that bloody psychopath we need you to take care of them" Lestrade explained.

John regarded the two girls and then looked back at Lestrade a military nod in his direction as eventually Lestrade was beckoned back by another call to his phone requiring his immediate assistance.

"Look I gotta go John, just talk to him will you?" Greg whispered careful to not catch Sherlock's attention as he backed out the door with a final once over to the girls.

"I will" John mimed and then turned back to his husband.

"You." John pointed at his husband. "Clothes. Now!" He ordered and Sherlock stood bolt upright and rushed to their bedroom. "My names John. Right, so, what's your names then?"

"My names Lidia but you can call me Lids" the shorter of the two explained with a wide smile.

"Yeah and my names Jay" the taller girl said, her eyes sparkling.

"Right so Jay, Lids, have you had breakfast yet?" John asked, acknowledging each when he spoke their names. They shook their heads.
"Right well, who wants pancakes?"

The two girls nodded excitedly. And he brought them into the kitchen.

"Erm John?" Lidia asked when John was stifling through the cupboards pushing around jars that didn't appear to contain food but something more alien.

"Yeah?" John asked as he took out the long forgotten flour from when Sherlock had tried to bake a cake last week by himself. That had been a disaster.

"Why is your shirt on backwards?" Lidia asked, with a amused smile.

"Ah well, I was rushing, to be fair the git in there always wears his inside out." John defended with a nod towards the bedroom door.

"Really? Why" Jay asked, amused.

"Sensitive skin, the tags cause him to get a rash" John explained as he poured the first thin layer of batter into the sizzling pan.

It was at that moment that said detective came in, featuring his usual fine cut suit with the slightly tight shirt that showed off his curved form and hidden strength. He carried his jacket over his arm having not put it on yet, and his shoes in other hand as he walked in with only black socks.

"Making breakfast John?" Sherlock asked curiously as he peered over Johns shoulder, his chin hooking over the top.

"I thought you hated it when people pointed out the obvious?" John chuckled reaching over and fondly ruffling the detectives chocolate curls.

Sherlock smiled softly and pulled back slipping his shoes on by hopping around in the kitchen on one foot as jay and Lidia watched the grown man look more like a teen who was late for the school bus.

"You don't mind them here do you?" John asked when the girls had gone off to the living room to investigate. Curiosity is a sign of intelligence, Sherlock thought.

"They're smart, you can see it, not imbecilic but indeed intelligent, clearly they caught immediate attention on you're shirt due to where you've clearly tugged the tag when they mentioned it showing you hadn't noticed it yourself" Sherlock said with a smirk. No. These girls wouldn't be that bad.

Food. Water. Entertainment. Wait wasn't that dogs? Ah well we'll figure it out.

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