ZERO | Prologue

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Thirteen year old Mariah Coleman sat on her mother's bed as she packed. Her mom was calmly putting clothes in suitcases as Mariah watched her.

Amara Coleman turned to her daughter and gave her a look.
"Mar, you have to finish packing your things," she said. The girl looked at her hands as she spoke. "I don't want to leave," Mariah replied.

Her mother sighed and looked away for a moment before looking back at her daughter, crouching down in front of her. "I know. But we have to. This will be a fresh start for us. Don't you want that?" Her mother asked.

"Not really. I just want to stay here with my friends," she replied. "But I don't really have a choice do I?" She questioned after. "Not really," her mother mimicked with a small smile. Mariah looked down at her hands again. Amara sighed again before saying, "Why don't you finish packing your stuff so that you can go see those friends of yours?"

It was Mariah's turn to sigh out a reply. "Fine," she said. And so she walked out of her mom's room and to her own to finish packing. After she was done the two drove to the Blossom's home.

When the Coleman's arrived they were greeted by two heads full of red hair. "Mari!" Cheryl and Jason Blossom exclaimed as they saw their best friend. Cheryl immediately pulled Mariah into a hug, before dragging her into the house and to their backyard, Jason following behind them.

"Hello to you too," Ms. Coleman said, walking into the house and into the kitchen where she heard Mrs. Blossom's voice.

In the backyard, the twins and Mariah sat on a bench in silence. That is until Cheryl broke it. "Why do you have to move? I don't want you to move," she said.

"I don't want you to move either," Jason said. Mariah gave them both a sad look. "I don't want to move, but I don't have a choice." The three kids sighed before Cheryl spoke up again with a small smirk.

"Have you talked to Archie?" She questioned. Mariah blushed slightly at the question looking away from the two who wore identical knowing smiles.

It was well known to the two about the Coleman girl's crush on the Andrews boy. His crush on her was known by the twins as well. But Mariah and Archie were completely oblivious to the other's feelings.

"No. I haven't talked to him and I'm not going to," Mariah replied. "Why not?" Jason asked.

"Because, I don't know what to say to him," she answered.

"He's one of your best friends, it shouldn't be that hard," Cheryl said. Mariah sighed and looked at her surroundings. "Does he know that you're leaving tomorrow," Jason asked.

"No," she answered. "What? Are you gonna--" Mariah cut him off. "Can we talk about something else please?" She asked slightly annoyed. "I really don't want to talk about him right now," she finished. "Okay," he replied.

And so the three best friends talked about anything and everything until it was time for Mariah to go. They all said their goodbyes and the Coleman's went home.


The next morning Mariah dragged herself out of bed and got ready for the move.

The movers loaded the trucks with the Coleman's things and Mariah watched in dismay. When everything was done, Amara drove Mariah to the Blossom's so that she could say goodbye to her friends.

Cheryl didn't want to let go of Mariah as they hugged. Neither of the three could keep the tears from falling. Mariah could faintly hear her mother and Mr. and Mrs. Blossom saying their goodbyes in the living room. When she finally pulled away from Cheryl, Jason was quick to hug her next.

"I'm going to miss you," he whispered. "We both are."

"I know. I'm going to miss you guys too," she replied. "You guys have to promise me that we'll always be friends. No matter what. And you guys have to stick together and be there for one another," Mariah said. "Do you promise?" She asked holding out her pinkies for the twins. The twins looked at each other before nodding. "We promise," they said linking their pinkies with hers.

The three smiled at one another and then it was time for Mariah and Amara Coleman to go. Mariah gave them one last hug and a fleeting smile before walking to the car with her mother. As Mariah got into the car, she waved goodbye to the Blossom's and then the two Coleman's were on their way.

As Amara Coleman drove, the moving trucks following closely behind, she took a quick glance at her daughter sitting in the back seat. "Are you sure you don't want to see Betty?" She asked her daughter. "I'm sure," Mariah replied. "What about Archie?" The woman asked.

Mariah shook her head and looked out the window, watching everything zoom past. "Come on Mar, you can't just leave without saying goodbye to Archie," Amara said.

Mariah looked at her mother and shook her head again. "If I say goodbye to him, then this all becomes real. And I'll never see him again," she spoke quietly. "That's not true," her mother was quick to reply. "Of course you'll see him again," she finished.

"You and I both know that's not true," Mariah said quietly. Amara Coleman took a good look at her daughter, who seemed to be growing up too fast, before looking back at the road. She wondered if what she was doing was right before deciding that it was for the best. She nodded her head. "Okay," she said to her daughter before dropping the subject.

Ms. Coleman drove past the local park. The same park that Archie Andrews happened to be in, playing with his dog. He looked up, seeing the moving trucks following behind a car. He squinted his eyes and saw Mariah looking out the window staring directly at him and he froze after realizing what was happening.

Mariah's breath hitched as she looked at him, his face full of confusion and hurt. She's leaving today and she didn't tell me, he thought. She didn't even say goodbye. Mariah quickly looked away from the window and down to her hands. A tear involuntarily rolled down her cheek. And at the same time, a tear rolled down Archie's cheek as well.


Hello beauties. So this is the prologue. It's just the day that Mariah leaves Riverdale and moves to New York. She says her goodbyes to her friends but not Archie :( I hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to comment, vote, and follow if you want. Have a nice day!

 Have a nice day!

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