TWENTY ONE | Besties

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"So, Clifford Blossom is the reason that your dad is in prison?" Mariah questioned Veronica as the two walked down the school hallways. Veronica nodded. "According to Archie, yes," she answered. "When did Archie even hear this?" Was Mariah's next question.

The brunette sighed, "He said that he overheard it when he was looking for you at the banquet. He also told me what that bitch said to you. Are you okay?" She said. Mariah scoffed incredulously, "You just found out that my best friend's dad might be the reason your dad is in prison and you're asking me if I'm okay?"

Veronica rolled her eyes playfully and nudged her friend. "Yeah well, I'd like to take a break from my drama filled life by indulging in yours," Veronica said. "How about we stay away from the drama in our lives and indulge ourselves into something else?" Mariah suggested. Veronica narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "Yeah, like what?"

"Well, since you asked," Mariah started causing Veronica to roll her eyes in amusement. "Jughead's birthday is tomorrow and I got him an amazing present but, I want to do something special for him."

"Jughead's birthday is tomorrow? How do you know?" Veronica asked with wide eyes. Mariah rolled her eyes and a sigh fell from her lips. "I'm his best friend. I've made it my duty to learn everything about him on my own since he tells me next to nothing about himself," the blonde answered, a scowl on her face as she thought about Jughead and how reserved he could be.

Veronica chuckled quietly. "Yeah, you have a knack for invading people's privacy and personal lives," she admitted. Mariah stuck her tongue out at the girl and Veronica reciprocated the action. "I'll have you know, I do not invade people's personal lives. I simply observe details," she stated matter of factly. "No you pry. But that's one of my favorite attributes of yours," Veronica said. Mariah nodded approvingly, "Thank you."

"So, what do you have in mind for Jughead?" Veronica asked, successfully changing the subject. Mariah was thoughtful for a moment, her mind swimming with possibilities. She repeatedly shook her head 'no' at some of her ideas, knowing that the beanie wearing boy wouldn't like any of them. Veronica watched her expectantly and Mariah sighed. A frown came to her face and she glanced at Veronica and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. But, I'll let you know if I think of something," Mariah said and Veronica nodded. The two girls departed and Mariah trudged down the hallway, thinking about Jughead. She spotted the boy on her mind and smiled widely, quickly making her way over to the dark haired boy. Mariah placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned her head next to his. "Hello almost birthday boy," she exclaimed.

Mariah released his shoulders and fell into step with him as he continued walking. Jughead looked at her distastefully and groaned slightly. "How did you know?" He grumbled quietly. "As your best friend It's my job to know everything about you," she answered with a smile.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you're not my best friend?" Jughead snapped. Mariah glared at him, "Forsythe Pendleton Jones III, why must you pretend that we're not friends?"

Jughead gasped quietly and looked at her with a horrified expression before gripping onto her forearm. "How the hell do you know my full name?" He questioned in shock. She shrugged nonchalantly, "I told you, I know everything." Jughead released her arm and scooted away from her. "That's borderline creepy," he said and she shrugged before letting a smile overtake her face once again.

"I got you the best birthday present ever. You'll love it. And I know you don't like your birthday and what not, but, I have made it my duty to give you the best birthday ever!" The blonde said brightly. Jughead sighed and then smiled a small smile. "That's nice of you Mariah and I appreciate it, I do. But, I don't want a present or any sort of surprise. What I want is to know where you're getting your information about me from because you're really starting to freak me out," the boy said.

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