FIVE | Cheer Tryouts and School Dances

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After a long and awful day of school, the torture was finally over. Now, Mariah had to endure the tortures of cheerleading tryouts. She loved cheerleading and always had but, she wasn't looking forward to sitting through the entire thing.

As she walked into the gym, she saw the other girls trying out, the current cheerleaders, and the boys basketball team. Mariah released a breath and walked off to the side to start stretching.

When the tryouts finally began, she grew excited. Her turn came and she walked to the center of the gym and started her routine. She ended it with a toe touche and a back tuck, and she smiled when she was done. Cheryl and the other girls smiled and clapped for her and she thanked them.

"That was amazing Mariah, unsurprisingly," Cheryl said with a proud smile. "Thank you Cheryl," Mariah replied before going to sit. "Next up are Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge," Cheryl called.

The two girls walked to the center of the floor and did their routine. When they were finished, Mariah clapped for them and didn't stop when she realized she was the only one doing so.

"Hmm. Ladies, where's the heat? Where's the sizzle?" Cheryl asked them, unimpressed. "Well you haven't seen our big finish yet," Veronica said as she grabbed Betty's arm. She pulled her closer and kissed her. Mariah rolled her eyes at Veronica's antics but smiled nonetheless. Cheryl rolled her eyes and handed her clipboard to Tina Patel and then crossed her arms over her chest.

"Check your sell-by date, ladies, faux lesbian kissing hasn't been taboo since 1994. So let's see if you do better with the interview portion of our audition," Cheryl said. Mariah scrunched her nose in confusion. Interview? What interview?

"Betty, how's your sister doing?" Cheryl asked. "Um, Polly's fine, thanks for asking," Betty replied awkwardly. "Veronica, has Betty told you about her sister yet?" Cheryl fired. "Uh, no," Veronica replied.

"Go ahead Betty. Tell Veronica about your sister and my dear brother," Cheryl commanded. "All right Cheryl, I think the 'interview' is over," Mariah interjected, standing up. "No it isn't. It just started. Now go on Betty," Cheryl said.

"Polly and Jason dated," Betty said quietly. Cheryl scoffed, "I wouldn't say 'dated'," Cheryl said. "It didn't end well," Betty elaborated. "In fact, Jason's probably the reason your sister had a nervous breakdown and now lives in a group home, isn't it?" Cheryl continued.

"That's what my parents think," Betty replied in the same quiet tone. "What do you have to say about that, Betty? Go ahead, the floor is yours. Whatever you've been dying to spew about Jason and how he treated Polly, unleash it. Destroy me. Tear me a new one. Rip me to shreds. Annihilate me," Cheryl continued, taunting her.

Mariah could see Betty clench her fists, and she grew nervous. She prepared herself to stop any fight from occurring. "I just..." Betty started. "Finally," Cheryl whispered in a pleased voice. Betty unclenched her hands and relaxed them.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened to Jason. I can't even imagine what you and your family must be going through," Betty finished. "Right," Cheryl said quietly, looking down. Her eyes then moved to Mariah, who held a sad expression on her face. Cheryl faced the two girls and shook her head, placing a fake smile on her face.

"Mariah and Veronica, welcome to the River Vixens. Betty, better luck next time," Cheryl said with an attitude. Betty looked upset and Veronica spoke. "Wait what, why? Because you couldn't bully Betty into being a bitch?" She asked.

"I need girls with fire on my squad," Cheryl answered. Mariah watched on, waiting to hear Veronica's next words, which she was sure wouldn't be pleasant. "I know what you need, Cheryl, because I know who you are. You would rather people fear than like you, so you traffic in terror and intimidation. You're rich, so you've never been held accountable, but I'm living proof. That certainty, that entitlement you wear on your head like a crown? It won't last. Eventually there will be a reckoning. Or, maybe that reckoning is now," Veronica took a few steps closer to a pissed off Cheryl.

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