ELEVEN | Manipulations

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A few days later, Mariah found herself running errands. Although, it was just an excuse to drive her new car. She couldn't get over the fact that she actually had one.

She was carrying grocery bags into her house. As she was putting the groceries away, the doorbell rang. When Mariah answered the door, Betty Cooper stood in the doorway. "Hey, Betty. What're you doing here?" She asked, voice laced with confusion. "I need to talk to you about something," Betty replied.

"How did you know where I lived?" Was Mariah's next question. "Kevin told me," Betty answered. Mariah narrowed her eyes. "Well, how did Kevin know?" She asked Betty.

Betty sighed, "I don't know. But we really need to talk. Can I come in?" Mariah nodded her head and let Betty inside the house. Betty looked around and took everything in. "I thought you would have had a bigger house," Betty admitted, sitting down on the living room couch. "Why would you think that?" Mariah asked sitting next to her.

Betty shrugged, "I don't know. I thought all rich people had big houses," she said. "I'm not that rich," Mariah replied. "Well, according to Veronica you are," Betty retorted. Mariah decided to change the subject.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" She asked Betty. Betty sighed quietly. "Right, well, it's about Archie," she said calmly. "What about him?" Mariah asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Well, I recently discovered that he and Ms. Grundy are together. I mean, I think they are," Betty told the other blonde. Mariah narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean by 'together'?" She questioned.

Betty sighed again. "I mean, that they're together. Like dating or something like that," she answered. Mariah stayed quiet for a moment. Her mind was reeling. Archie and Ms. Grundy? Her Archie?

She didn't mean he was hers, exactly, but he was her friend. Betty watched the girl sitting next to her intently. She wondered what was going through her mind.

"How do you know?" Mariah finally asked. Betty looked down at her hands, which sat folded in her lap. "I figured it out," Betty answered. Mariah's mind was swimming with questions. "I know it sounds impossible. I mean Archie and a teacher. But I'm telling the truth. I'm almost positive that they're together," Betty added.

"I believe you," Mariah said after a minute of silence. She then laughed humorlessly. "I believe you. That's sad, isn't it? I believe that Archie is sleeping with a teacher. And I shouldn't. I shouldn't believe that. I should be in denial about this whole thing. Shouldn't I? But I'm not denying it because I believe it. Oh my-- this is insane. Archie and Ms. Grundy. I mean, I always thought she was creepy and suspicious but, this is shocking. Then again--" Mariah ranted before Betty cut her off.

"Okay, I get it. You believe me," Betty said with a slight laugh. Mariah released a breath. "Why are you telling me this?" Mariah asked. "I just, thought you should know. I mean, you obviously have feelings for him again--" Betty started and Mariah cut her off.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Feelings for Archie? I don't have feelings for Archie. Why would you even think that?" Mariah asked. Betty gave her a skeptical look. "Because you do. I mean, I didn't realize it until Veronica brought it up but yeah, I can tell. I see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. That's why I was surprised about, you know. And why I'm not one hundred percent sure."

"If Archie wants to be with some old cougar, then he can. That's not my problem. And it's definitely not yours," Mariah said. "Archie's my best friend, so it is my problem," Betty defended, causing Mariah to scoff. "Trust me Betty, you don't want to get involved," Mariah said.

Betty huffed, "Alright fine. I won't get involved." Mariah smiled in victory. "Good."


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