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A consistent bouncing motion on her bed caused Mariah to awaken from her slumber. She groaned loudly and attempted to open her eyes. Her attempts failed and she gave up, trying to fall back asleep.

The bouncing began again and she grumbled incoherently. Again, she attempted to open her eyes and after many tries, she was finally able to pry them open. The blonde squinted at the figure that was bouncing on her bed in irritation.

"What the hell?" She muttered. The bouncing stopped and the brunette who stood on the bed smiled widely. "Good, you're up!" Savannah Carlson exclaimed. Mariah slowly sat up and looked at her clock and sighing. "What are you doing here? How did you even get into my house?" Mariah asked.

Savannah flung herself down onto the bed and laid on her back, staring up at the blonde who looked down at her. "Your mom let me in before she left for work," Savannah answered simply. "Of course," Mariah muttered. Savannah stood up abruptly and turned to her friend. "Get up and go get ready or we'll be late for school," she commanded.

"I don't wanna go to school. It's Friday, can't we just ditch?" Mariah whined. "Mariah Adeline Coleman wants to ditch school? That's a first. What happened to wanting perfect attendance?" Savannah said in amusement.

"I'm tired, that's what happened," the blonde mumbled, rubbing her tired eyes with the back of her hand. "That's too bad you still have to come. It's the last day and we still have finals. But look on the bright side, there's a party tonight. And we have to discuss what we're wearing," the brunette said. "Can't we just do that after school?" Mariah questioned. Savannah shook her head, "Nope. We have a lot to discuss and I wanna see Christian."

"You can literally see your boyfriend whenever you want," Mariah pointed out. "Shut up! You're coming, end of discussion. If you don't, your mom will kill you for missing finals. Now let's go," Savannah said. "Fine, whatever," Mariah muttered. She angrily threw her covers off of her body and stood, glancing at her friend who smiled triumphantly. "Hurry up, we have to meet Veronica before school starts," Savannah said.

The blonde rolled her eyes and walked into her bathroom and began brushing her teeth. "I'll pick out your outfit!" Savannah called from the bedroom. Mariah grunted and Savannah took that as an 'okay' to do so.

After taking a shower, Mariah re-entered her room. As soon as she did, clothes were being thrown at her face. "I'll be downstairs," the brunette said before leaving the blonde's bedroom, closing the door behind her. Mariah sluggishly got dressed and when she was done, she picked up her backpack and exited her room.

"All right, I'm ready," Mariah said as she entered the living room. "Finally," Savannah muttered, standing up from the couch and walking to the door. The two left the penthouse and headed toward the elevator.

After exiting the building, the girls began walking to school, discussing random things as they did so. When they arrived in front of the building, Veronica Lodge and Christian James stood by the steps leading into the school. They were obviously waiting for Mariah and Savannah to show up.

"Sorry for making you wait, Mariah wouldn't get out of bed," Savannah apologized as she walked over to the two. She placed a chaste kiss on her boyfriend's lips and Veronica pretended to gag at the sight. "Again?" Christian questioned, raising an eyebrow at the blonde.

"Forgive me for trying to get a few more minutes of sleep," Mariah deadpanned. Christian rolled his eyes playfully and Veronica chuckled. "Here," Veronica then said, holding out a brown bag and a cup of coffee. "Savannah said that you'd need this."

Mariah took the bag and the coffee from her friend's hands. She took a long sip of the coffee and sighed contently. "You are a lifesaver," she mumbled. She opened the bag to reveal two donuts and smiled in delight. "Have I ever told you that I love you? Because I really do," Mariah said as she took one of the donuts out of the bag and took a bite.

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