TWENTY FIVE | Drama With A Capital D

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Mariah maneuvered her way through the dancing people as she searched for her redheaded friend. Cheryl was nowhere in sight and Mariah sighed in defeat. Jughead walked over to her, a tiny smile on his face. "Hey, can you help me look for Betty? She might be in the hallway but I'm not sure," he said.

"Sure, if you help me look for Cheryl after," Mariah said and Jughead nodded. The two exited the gym and walked down the hallway in silence. As they continued walking, the two spotted Betty, Veronica, and Archie having a conversation.

"Guys. Betty. What's going on? Why do I feel like I'm suddenly left out?" Jughead said. Betty turned to the two before looking back at Veronica and Archie. "Do you want to tell him or should I?" She questioned. Jughead frowned, "Tell me what?" Archie walked over to him and began explaining. "We went to your dad's trailer to..."

"To search it, Jughead," Veronica finished for him. "Why would you guys do that?" Jughead asked. "My mom, put them up to it. She was convinced that he was hiding something about Jason," Betty answered for them. "We were wrong. All of us. We didn't find anything," Veronica said.

"You said that you wouldn't go through with this. You promised," Mariah told Veronica, a large frown on her face. "I know," Veronica muttered. Mariah scoffed and looked at Archie, "I guess you're not the only one who can't keep a promise."

"Wait, you knew about this?" Betty questioned Mariah, who gave a small nod in response. Archie was the one to speak next. "Look Jug, we were only doing it to prove that--"

"That my dad wasn't a murderer?" Jughead interrupted. "You went behind my back, Archie?" Jughead asked. "Jug--" the redhead began but was once again interrupted by Jughead. "How did you-- when did you guys know to go to my dad's trailer?" He asked. "We knew he'd be at dinner," Veronica trailed off and Jughead turned away.

"No," Betty said quietly, her eyes filled with tears as she took a step closer to Jughead. "That's why your mom invited my dad and I to dinner? So these two could break into his trailer while she interrogated him?" Jughead realized his tone low and angry. "No, I didn't know what they were doing. But yes, that is why she invited you guys," Betty replied.

Jughead released a breath. "To think I was gonna pass on moving to Toledo with my family for you," he said. "What?" Betty whispered so quietly that Mariah almost didn't hear it. "When we went to my dad's trailer, you asked me if I believed him. I said I did. Wasn't that good enough for you?" Jughead said.

Betty stepped forward and reached out for him as she answered. "It was. It was good enough. I didn't-- I tried to stop her," Betty said, she was crying now. "You could've told me, you could've warned me," he said. "You were so excited Jug, I didn't want to disappoint you," Betty admitted.

"So instead you lied? You all lied to me?" Jughead asked. "It seems to be their thing," Mariah muttered. Archie's gaze fell onto her and she stared into his eyes and only looked away when a voice is heard from behind her.

"There they are," Kevin said. Mariah turned as he along with Betty and Veronica's moms as well as Archie's parents walked over to them. "Betty. Thank God," Alice Cooper said. "Mom don't," Betty began. "No you have to listen. All of you," Hermione Lodge said.

"My dad just told Mayor McCoy about your dad, Jughead," Kevin said. "What about my dad?" Jughead asked. It was quiet for a few seconds. "He was just arrested. For the murder of Jason Blossom," Fred Andrews answered.

Mariah's eyes filled with tears after the words left his mouth. She stood in shock as her brain slowly processed the words, repeating them over and over again. "Oh my God. Oh my God," she whispered. Her eyes met Jughead's and the boy shook his head. "No, Mariah--" he started but the girl quickly walked passed everyone and toward the front doors of the school. She had to get out of there. She felt like her brain was about to explode.

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