ONE | Out With the Old

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Mariah Coleman laid in her bed staring up at the ceiling. Today, she was leaving New York and going back to Riverdale and she wasn't exactly thrilled. She would rather go anywhere else. But it wasn't really her decision to make, especially after what happened.

The last time she was in that town was when she attended the funeral of Jason Blossom, one of her best friends. That wasn't a good time for her at all. She couldn't really grasp the idea that Jason, the boy who pushed her off the swings when they were four causing her to scrape her knee and leading him to kiss it better, was dead. She couldn't believe it, she didn't want to believe it.

Mariah, Cheryl, and Jason kept their promise to each other. They stayed in touch and talked about everything. The Blossom twins had each others backs, just like they said they would. It was hardest for Cheryl, losing her twin, her other half. It was like a part of her died too.

For Mariah, it was similar but different. She felt like a part of her died but she also felt numb. Jason Blossom was dead and there was nothing she could do about it. What made it worse was that they never found his body.

She remembered the day that her mother told her the news as if it were yesterday. Mariah had just come home from cheer practice when her mother told her what happened. Amara Coleman sat her daughter down and told her about the fate of her beloved best friend. As soon as Mariah heard the news, she ran up to her room and called Cheryl. Cheryl picked up immediately and Mariah could tell that she had been crying. That's when she knew that it was true.

After she had talked to Cheryl she called her friend, at the time, Veronica Lodge and told her the news. Veronica knew how much Jason meant to her friend and tried to console her the best that she could. And although her attempts were in vain, they were very much appreciated.

The last time Mariah had cried herself to sleep was the day her father left. But that night, that fateful Fourth of July night, she couldn't stop crying. She didn't think she would fall asleep but eventually she did.

Now Mariah and her mom are moving again in order to, once again flee from past events. Although this time, Mariah was grateful. She couldn't wait to get out of that city. But Riverdale was the last place she wanted to go. There were too many memories that she would rather forget.

A knock sounded at her door and her mother's voice could be heard on the other side. "Mar, honey you have to get up and get ready. We'll be leaving soon," her mother said. Mariah groaned from her position in bed and pulled her blanket up over her head.

The door slammed open and her mother walked in, yanking the blankets from her daughter's body. "Get up now!" She exclaimed loudly.

"Alright fine!" Mariah replied in a similar tone.

"Fix the attitude now," Amara Coleman told her daughter. "Sorry," Mariah mumbled.

"Yeah that's what I thought. Go take a shower and get dressed. Then come downstairs for breakfast so we can go. I want to get out of here as soon as possible," her mother said.

"Aye aye captain," Mariah saluted her mother as the woman walked out. "Hurry up!" She yelled on her way out of the room.

Mariah groaned softly before doing as she was told. After getting ready she walked down the stairs of her penthouse and into the kitchen. There were only a few boxes left in the penthouse, the rest were already shipped to their new house in Riverdale.

The two ate their breakfast in silence, none of them knowing what to say.

After a few more moments of silence her mother spoke up. "Have you talked to Veronica?" She questioned her daughter. "Not really. We haven't talked all that much since that night," Mariah replied. Amara took a good look at her daughter before speaking. "You should talk to her before we go. Say goodbye. Hermione thinks that it would be good for you both to start talking again and I agree," she said.

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