TWENTY SIX | The Truth

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*A/N* So I know the majority of you don't read the Author's Note at the end of the chapter but it's kind of important so please read it.

Mariah and Betty sat on Mariah's front porch steps. Betty had just told Mariah about her thoughts on the entire situation involving Jughead's dad. Seeing as Mariah wouldn't answer any of her phone calls, Betty took it upon herself to go over to the other blonde's house to tell her.

"So you think that FP is being framed?" Mariah questioned, clearly confused. Betty nodded slowly, "Veronica and Archie said that when they searched FP's trailer, they didn't find anything. There was no gun in a lockbox in the closet. That means the gun was put there after they left."

"But FP confessed to killing Jason. If he didn't do it, why did he confess? I don't understand," Mariah said. Betty sighed, "I don't know, Mariah. But we have to find out." Mariah looked over at her, "We? Who's we?"

"You, me, Archie, Kevin, and Veronica. Maybe even Cheryl if you can convince her to help out," Betty replied. "Why would I help?" Mariah asked. "Don't you want to find out who killed Jason?" Betty asked her friend. "I know who killed Jason. FP Jones," Mariah retorted. "Weren't you listening? FP is being framed. We can't just let him go to prison for a crime he didn't even commit," Betty said.

"You don't know that he's being framed!" Mariah exclaimed. "You don't know that he isn't!" Betty retorted, her eyes wide in disbelief. She was surprised that the other blonde wouldn't believe that FP was innocent.

Mariah ran her hands down her face before resting her head in her palms. "This was over. It was all over. Jason's killer was caught and I could finally breathe again. Now you're here, telling me that the person who I thought murdered Jason didn't even do it. That means his killer is still out there," Mariah responded.

"I'm so sorry, Mariah. I know that this is hard for you. But Jason, he deserves justice. And we can get that for him by finding his real killer. You can help me do that. Jason's killer needs to be caught. We can't let them get away with this," Betty spoke softly.

Mariah was quiet for a few minutes before she nodded slowly. "Okay. What do you need me to do?"


Mariah walked into Archie's garage where Archie stood with Betty, Veronica, Kevin, and Jughead. Betty had called the girl and told her that she, Kevin, and Jughead found something.

"So, what exactly did you guys find?" Mariah questioned as she walked over to the five. Betty was putting a Letterman jacket onto Archie as she responded. "It's Jason's jacket," she said. Mariah furrowed her eyebrows, "Okay, what does his jacket have to do with anything?"

"We're about to find out," Jughead muttered. "Betty, this is weird," Archie complained and Mariah rolled her eyes. Betty ignored him and began looking through the pockets and then paused. "There's a hole in the pocket," Betty said.

"Okay, now we're just grasping at straws," Kevin said. "Okay, no. I don't know about you guys, but whenever I have a hole in my pocket, I always lose my chapstick in the lining," Betty said. "Or my Montblanc," Veronica added. Mariah crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance. This was going nowhere.

"Hold on," Betty said before pulling out a flash drive. "What the hell?" Mariah and Veronica exclaimed. "Nancy Drew strikes again," Kevin said, obviously impressed. Betty held the flash drive up and Archie carefully took it in his hand. The group stood in silence.

"All right, let's see what's on that thing," Mariah suggested. The others nodded and Archie grabbed his laptop. They all sat down around it and Betty put it into the computer.

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