SIX | Seven Minutes Is A Long Time

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Archie closed the door behind himself as the two entered the closet. He took in a deep, nervous breath. He didn't know what to expect. He didn't know what would happen. He set the timer on his phone for seven minutes and pressed start.

Mariah paced the small closet in anger. "I'm going to murder Cheryl! And Veronica! I can't believe they did that. I mean Cheryl I can believe and now that I think about it, I'm not surprised that Veronica did it either. But I'm still mad!" Mariah exclaimed.

Archie watched her for a while and then decided to talk. "Maybe it's good that we're in here, together," he said quietly. Mariah stopped in her tracks and looked at him incredulously. "What?" She asked, eyes narrowed. Archie took a small step back. "I mean, now we have a chance to talk," he clarified.

"Talk? About what? The fact that you hate my guts and I'm not too fond of you? Yeah, I'd rather not talk about that," Mariah dismissed. Archie sighed quietly, "I don't hate you," he said. "I could never hate you, or anyone for that matter. No matter how much I want to. No matter how much I try. No matter how hard it is not to. I don't hate you," Archie explained, eyes searching hers, for what, he didn't know.

Mariah scoffed, looking away. "Really? You could've fooled me. You were a real ass to me. And yeah, I probably deserved it. No I did deserve it. So if you wanna yell at me or get anymore things off your chest then go ahead. I'm listening," she said. Archie looked around the closet and then back at her.

"I don't really feel like yelling at you but, I do have some things to say," he started. Mariah motioned for him to continue and he did. "When you left, it felt like my whole world was falling apart. I know, that's some pretty dramatic thinking for a thirteen year old boy. But, I was so upset. I was upset that you were leaving, that's for sure. But I was even more upset because you didn't say goodbye. I tried to think of a logical reason as to why. Why you just left and didn't say a word. Why you didn't tell me when you were leaving to begin with. But no explanation came to mind. I couldn't fathom why one of my best friends left without a word," Archie sighed and regained his composure.

"I was sad, for a while. And then that sadness turned to anger. I was angry at you for leaving, angry at your mom for choosing to leave, angry at your dad for leaving you and leading to your mom choosing to leave. And then, I was angry at myself. I thought that I had done something wrong. That I did something or said something that made you upset at me and that's why you didn't say goodbye. I was angry at myself for a long time. I was angry at you for a long time. And, I don't want to be angry anymore," Archie spoke, refusing to meet her gaze.

Mariah was shocked, to say the least. She had not expected to hear those words come out of his mouth. "Archie, you did nothing wrong. It was me. I got it into my head that, if I didn't say goodbye, then things would be better for you. I thought you'd just get over me and move on with your life. And, obviously I was wrong. I was so scared to say goodbye to you because I knew that if I did, then it would all become real. And, I would never see you again. I know it's stupid but, that's what I thought," Mariah told him as she looked at her hands.

"Yeah, it is stupid. Did you honestly think that I would stop talking to you and not want to see you after you left?" Archie asked in disbelief. "I was thirteen. Do you honestly think rational thoughts were going through my head? I didn't want to say 'bye' because I knew that if I did, it would be the last time that I saw you," Mariah tried to explain.

"You didn't know that though. You just assumed. You didn't think that way when you were saying goodbye to the Blossoms. You made sure to stay in touch with them. Admit it, the real reason you didn't say goodbye to me was because I was never important to you. You never cared about me or our friendship. It was all a lie," Archie said, growing frustrated.

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