FOURTEEN | Disappointments

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Mariah sat at the breakfast table in her kitchen eating cereal while her mother sat in front of her eating an omelet. The blonde glared at the older woman as she shoveled cereal into her mouth. Amara ate her omelet as if it was the most amazing thing that she had ever tasted.

"Wow, this omelet is so good," Amara exclaimed, taking another bite. "I wouldn't know," Mariah grumbled. "If you want one, you can go make yourself one," Amara said, taking another bite of the omelet. Mariah narrowed her eyes angrily, "I'm good with my cereal. Thanks." Amara nodded, "You're welcome." Mariah finished her cereal and grabbed her bag.

"Bye mom. I'll see you later," she said, giving her mother a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Mar. Have fun at school," Amara said back. Mariah looked at her in disbelief, "You know I won't."

She grabbed her car keys and headed out of the door, locking it behind her. She entered the vehicle and drove to school. When she arrived, the first thing she did was go to her locker. After it was open, she grabbed her biology binder and pushed it into her bag. A hand suddenly slammed against the locker next to Mariah's and the blonde girl jumped.

"There are auditions for the talent show and you're coming with me," Veronica said from beside Mariah. "You scared the shit out of me, you dumb bitch," Mariah said as she glared at Veronica. The dark haired girl rolled her eyes and smirked. "Let's go, hobo," Veronica said.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," Mariah said before continuing to get her notebooks. "Come on. I know you can sing. Just come to the audition with me," Veronica pleaded. "Hm, let me think about it. No," Mariah replied. Veronica smiled, "Archie will be there," she said.

"That changes absolutely nothing," Mariah said. "Please," Veronica begged. "Why?" Mariah whined. "Because I want you to come. And, I want you to showcase your talent," Veronica said. Mariah scoffed, "You're lying."

Veronica sighed, "I just don't wanna go alone," she admitted. Mariah sighed and rolled her eyes, "Fine, I'll go. But I'm not trying out." Veronica clapped her hands happily and closed the locker. She grabbed Mariah's hand and dragged her away.


When the girls arrived at the auditorium, they sat in the first row and waited. Multiple people went through their auditions. Next up was Archie who looked beyond nervous. "Archie Andrews? Each fall, Riverdale hosts a Variety Show," Kevin Keller said.

"I thought you said this was a talent show," Mariah whispered to Veronica who shrugged. "But this event is no mere student frolic. And what will you be auditioning with?" Kevin continued. "Uh, an original song that I wrote called I'll Try," Archie answered nervously. "Try harder! Maybe try not sucking so much," Reggie yelled. Mariah turned around in her seat to face him. "Shut the fuck up, Reginald," she yelled back.

Archie blinked and looked down at his guitar. His hands shook and he looked terrified. Mariah felt bad for him. "Take your time, Archie. Though we do have people waiting," Kevin announced. Archie grabbed onto the microphone with his shaking hand. "Oh, my God, what's happening?" Veronica asked.

Josie McCoy leaned forward in her seat toward the two girls. "He's choking," she answered in amusement. Mariah gave the girl a cold glare before turning back to the stage. "Archie? Clock's ticking," Kevin said impatiently. "Kevin!" Mariah hissed. He turned toward her and mouthed a 'what'.

"Excuse me. Sorry, I gotta go," Archie said quickly before rushing off the stage and out the door. Mariah leaned back in her seat and sighed sadly.


After the auditions were over, Mariah went to find the redheaded boy. She found him sitting on the ground, leaning against a wall. Valerie was walking away from him. The blonde sighed and walked over to him, putting her bag on the ground and sitting down next to him.

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