Friend hangout first (Starco)

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I swear I will try to finish this by Valentines Day. This will not go on after like Christmas did, sorry. I am sick and had the worst headache a few hours ago and it didn't help that my little brother wouldn't stop talking and making the tiniest noises in complete silence. And on top of everything, I have been blessed with blood. (If any girls know what I mean) So it sucks and my mom took my tablet, leaving me with no music to calm myself. Sorry I just had to let all this out. Bye!!!!

-Halo (Concerned Author-chan)

*Marco pov*

I need to get Tom and y/n away from each other for a little bit, but how? Then it hit me, I'll hang out with Tom, Ferguson, and Alfonso, while Star, y/n, and Janna hang out. This is where having a friend that knows how to distract herself and other people comes in handy. Especially since Janna knows how to distract y/n, too.

"Hey, Tom, I was wondering since you and y/n are a......thing now.....I should introduce you to my friends." Please don't blow this off.

"Sorry, Marco. I kinda planned to spend the day with y/n. Maybe some other time." Tom tried to deny the plan, but y/n then took him aside and whispered into his ear. While I took the opportunity to tell Star my plan.

"So, you and Janna are gonna distract y/n while Alfonso, Ferguson, and I distract Tom." Hopefully she wouldn't say no.

"NO!!!!" Dangit. "Marco, (ship name) (If you can't think of one then those 2) is sailing. You can't sink the ship. It's halfway around the world by now."

"I'm not trying to sink it, I just want the ship to take a day pit-stop. Nothing harmful, at least an hour?" Please tell me this will work.

"........FINE! But only if they want to." Looks like y/n was already convincing Tom.

*y/n pov*

  "Hey, Tom, I was wondering since you and y/n are a......thing now.....I should introduce you to my friends." Marco suddenly said. I thought it was a great opportunity. Until a certain demon said no.

  "Sorry, Marco. I kinda planned to spend the day with y/n. Maybe some other time." This was slightly annoying to me so I dragged Tom aside and decided to tell him he should go.

"Tom, Marco is never gonna ask this again. Just say yes, for me?" I gave him the face he can barely resist, but he tried to stay as strong as he could.

"We were gonna spend the whole day together." He slightly whined and gave me his puppy eyes. MUST.......STAY.......STRONG!!!! When I didn't give in he caved. "Fine, but not for too long, okay?" He tried to compromise. I was ecstatic. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him, he hugged back.

"So is an hour good?" Marco said, and everyone else nodded their heads.

I'm gonna not put most of the hangout thing except one piece that is crucial to Starco happening. So............

~Time skip brought to you by Tom's hotness~

As the girls were hanging out we got bored after 5 minutes. So Janna and I dared Star to use that spying spell on Oskar to see what he was doing. Good thing she remembered how to say it. (Sorry-Not-Sorry-Star! heartbreak time for you) She held her wand up, reciting the following:

I summon the all seeing eye to tear a hole into the sky

unveil to me that which is hidden

reveal to me what is forbidden

When it worked, we saw Oskar holding a box of chocolates and flowers, blush clearly visible on his face. Star hoped they were for her, but he ended up walking to Jackie and giving them to HER!!!! She started crying and Janna and I comforted her.

"Don't worry, Star. It can't get any worse than this." Janna tried saying, but as if on cue, Oskar and Jackie shared a kiss. Star cried even more. I grabbed her phone and started texting Marco.

~ Text (Bold=you. Italic= Marco)~

MARCO!!! get over here now! Star needs your help!

What is it? How urgent?


Okay, okay, yeesh, im commin

And bring everyone else


~Text end ~

When they got here I told Marco the news, he was crying alongside Star, they were leaning on each other on the couch in the living room. Tom tried something that Star tried on us, using her spare mistletoe, he held it above their heads from the stairs.

"I know it's not Christmas, but y/n and I have been plotting our revenge and here it is." Star and Marco's hearts have just been broken and Tom was dangling mistletoe over their heads. They didn't even deny it at this point, they just leaned in. Afterward, their eyes were sparkling, like Tom's when he realized he loved me. I took a picture and put it in MY scrapbook.

"THE SHIP HAS SAILED!!!! THE SHIP HAS SAILED!!!!!" I screamed running around. I was genuinely happy. Knowing that Starco finally exists now.

*Tom pov*

I only had 10 hours to hand out with y/n now and I have to make the best of it. This was going to be the best day ever for her, and not even Marco would get in the way.

Here you guys go u are awesome and please stay that way

-Halo (Grateful Author-chan)

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