Tom gets sick (Halo appears)

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This was requested by @AsuuneJikan  thanks 4 le idea


*y/n pov*

It was one of those summer days where everything seemed endlessly slow, even my thoughts. So naturally I decided to call Tom since he was always there when I needed him. The first time I called he didn't answer but the second time he did.

"ugh...oh...... hey.. y/n" Tom's face had lost most of his color and his voice sounded raspy. He had bags under his eyes and he was shivering like crazy.

"TOM!!!! Are you ok?!" I immediately regretted it since it probably hurt him to talk.

"just sick..... I'm.... fine..." and then he fell asleep, Mid-call. So me being me I decided to grab my dimensional scissors and go straight to Tom, who was still asleep when I got there. I didn't want to wake him up so I decided to call Star and Marco to see if they knew anything. But I still didn't want to wake Tom up, so I just texted Star.


Star-Bold y/n-Italic

Hey Star hav u ever dealt with a sick Tom???

No why

cuz hes sick


Get over here plz



*text end*

When Star got here she took one look at Tom and was immediately worried, and Marco was standing in the corner, not really showing any kind of sympathy for Tom at all.

"You know, Marco, you could kind of care that my BOYFRIEND is sick and cold. And him being cold is terrifying!!" I screamed across the room at him.

"huh..." Crap. Tom woke up. Well i'm just gonna blame this on Marco since it IS kind of his fault.

"Oh hey Tom, how'd you sleep??" I asked like we didn't just burst into his house while he was taking a nap and woke him up.

"W..?what are you.....guys doing here.....?" He said as he sneezed quickly afterward. 

"Marco woke you up." I said quickly, trying to brush over the matter.

"No I didn't!!" Marco, half yelled as he walked closer, slightly offended by what I had just said.

"Marco you can focus on your insecurities later. For now we need to make sure Tom is ok." I said, grabbing Tom's hand to find that they were as cold as ice, which is absolutely terrifying. 

"I- I'm.... ok..." Tom struggled to say. He was trying to let his pride take over, which was obviously not working...

"No you're not Tom," I said, feeling his forehead, which was also freezing. "Star we might need Glossaryck. He might know how to fix this" I said, signaling for her to go get him. 

(yes i know Glossaryck isnt with them but plz dont point that out. cuz if u do just remember... if u want me to follow the canon details about the show... then Tomstar would hav to happen.... and I know most, or all of us, would hate that. So plz hold your screams)

"Ok," Star said as she grabbed her dimensional scissors and left to her room. I looked at Marco, who was back against the wall, looking like he would rather be anywhere else at the moment.

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