Valentines Day

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Welp here u guys go!!! It took me to work on it


*y/n pov*

I honestly forgot that it was Valentines Day today.....

Don't get me wrong, but I've only celebrated it for a year now and besides, it's on a different day of the week each year.....

But oh boy, there was someone who would rather die than forget that today was Valentines Day....

And yes you guessed that right....

It was Tom...

It was about 3 am and Tom stood above me while I was sleeping. He was waking me up.

"Y/n... y/n come on I've got a surprise for you," he said in a calming tone. It almost made me go back to sleep.

"Mmmmmmhhhh" was about the only noise I could make at the time. I rolled over to look at him. There was a certain glimmer in his eyes whenever he did things like this. I couldn't say no, but my body could. I was basically paralyzed....

"Do u want me to pick you up?? I could take you there.... You won't have to get up..." He stated as he held his arms out, about to pick me up.

"Mmmhhmm" I responded as I gave a small nod. Tom smiled at this and wrapped me as a burrito in my blanket and picked me up bridal style and we were enveloped in Tom's signature Flame of Teleportation™

For a single moment, all that existed was me and Tom. I could almost forget anything else that I had felt over the course of my life. He stared back into my eyes with that same sparkle that I saw a few minutes ago.

The flames fell and we appeared in his room, it looked slightly neater than usual. I heard small giggles from the door. I would've checked, but I was in Tom's arms.... and I was a burrito... and I didn't' actually have clothes that I could walk around in anywhere but my own room.

"Here. This should help," Tom said while reaching into his closet to grab one of his star shirts and a pair of his torn shorts. He placed them on the bed next to me. "You can come out when you finish changing." With that, he left the room.

I quickly changed into the clothes he gave me and I walked out to see a little card on top of a wooden stick. I picked up the piece of paper and read it.

It was..... in crayon?? With a small scribble of Tom and I holding hands.... The writing was barely legible, but I could kind of make it out.

"Y/n and Tom..... together forever.."

This was slightly confusing.... I mean, if Tom did this then why would it be in crayon?? And does he have messy handwriting??

There was another card, and there seemed to be several more beyond that one too. They each had a small poem, an illustration, or something about how Tom loves me, or how I love him. The last one was in front of a door.

"Yes I know this wasn't as extravagant as most of the other things I've done, but they wanted to help. Just know that I will always love you, y/n


That one didn't have a picture on it. I stared at the door ahead, wanting to see what was behind it. I stood there, staring at it for a solid minute until I took a deep breath and opened the door as quickly as possible.

Behind the door was Tom....

and all of his smaller cousins...

"SURPRISE!!!" All of the little ones yelled upon my entrance, almost scaring me. Tom looked at me with heartfelt eyes and walked over to me.

"Happy Valentines Day y/n." He said as he took my hand and led me to the left of the room, where there was a small, heart-shaped cake for us. The little kids all started giggling and jumping up and down.

"Y/n and Tom, sitting in a tree!! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!" They chanted.

"Tom this is perfect," I said softly to him, giving him a small peck on his cheek.

Happy Valentines Day...

Finally got this done see ya guys next time 


Demon Tom x reader Oneshots (Holidays Are Automatic)Where stories live. Discover now