P/n and Pizza

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Wow I suck i lies to u guys but I swear ill try and finish this before New Years and if not then I might just end up publishing a New Years oneshot and the last chapter on New Years eve I swear ill get better with times later but for now I got some work to do

Also there were only 3 votes and 2 of them were dog so...

But i will let u guys chose ur own name for the doggo and p/n means Puppy's name

-Halo (plz don't be mad at me)

*y/n pov*

I was slightly torn. U decided to mentally flip a coin and it landed on dog inthe my head. (Does anyone else do that??......just me?? Ok)

"I guess I'll go with a dog." I said as I glanced at Tom. Tom gave a small nod and the lady handed Tom a small puppy. (The 1 at the top)

"Thank you." Tom said to the lady as he looked at me, giving a look that meant to ask if I wanted to hold the puppy. I took the puppy in my arms and hugged him against my chest.

*le tem Skippy Peanut Butter* (srry that was a really bad joke)

*Tom pov*

Y/n's face lit up when she was holding the puppy. I'm really glad shes happy.

"Maybe we should let him stay in the room for a little bit while we explore" Marco suggested, making all of us turn our attention to him.

"No, Marco, we have to make sure he has fun and not be stuffed in the room. Besides we don't know if he'll mess up your hoodies like the laser puppies" y/n said with a slight grin on her face.

"Well let's start exploring the boat even more" Marco said while starting to walk off, meaning that he doesn't want his limited supply of hoodies ruined.

"Yeah let's have some fun!!" Star said excitedly before running off.

*y/n pov*

"And now, we might want to get something to  eat before we starve to death." Tom said while I had to carry (p/n) around. He wasn't that heavy so it didn't really bother me a lot. But I had to put him down when Marco came back with some pizza for all of us. 

"Ok so i got us all mini pizzas. Star got pineapple cuz she likes sweets and wierd combinations. Tom got peppers, and y/n got (fav pizza flavor with pepperoni on it even of you dont like pepperoni)" 

I saw that p/n eyed the pepperoni and so I picked off some of the slices (if u dont like pepperoni then all of them) and gave them to p/n. He gave a small happy bark in  response to the pepperoni. I smiled, knowing that it made him happy. 

Tom got up and left for a minute and came back with a water bottle and a small paper bowl. He emptied the water bottle into the bowl and set it on the ground in front of p/n. P/n then started drinking the water really fast as if someone else would drink it if he didn't hurry.

"He seemed a little thirsty" Tom said while turning to me. "I wonder how that lady was able to give away all those pets aboard a cruise ship, though.

"I have no idea, but if she wasn't we wouldn't have p/n." I said, turning my attention back to the small puppy who was almost done with the water.

"Well I hope he doesn't ruin any of my hoodies." Marco said, joining the conversation.

"Marco don't be such a downer. Y/n and Tom got this puppy, and we should have fun with him. Speaking of which I bet he wants to play fetch!!" Star said excitedly as she prepared to launch her wand.

"STAR NO!!" Marco and I yelled before she got the chance to actually throw the wand.

"We don't want THAT to happen again" Marco said as he slightly put his hand over Star's wand to prevent her from throwing it.

"But there aren't any talking dogs here" Star complained

"But there are still normal dogs, and they all like playing fetch" I pointed out to Star.

"And they don't like giving things back, either." Tom pointed out, even though he wasn't there when it happened.

*Timeskip cuz i only hav 1 day left to write*

We were about to go to sleep, trying to calm down in the room. With p/n at Tom and I's feet and Star almost asleep, which left Marco to try and find a way to lie down since Star took up most of their bed.

 Tom wrapped his arm around me and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. He almost immediately fell asleep and softly snoring. I smiled at the thought and fell asleep knowing that he loved me.

yeah i suck imma work on the next chapter now i swear ill get the Christmas oneshot and the new years oneshot out by tomorrow or my name isnt Halo (i mean my nickname)


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