Ball and Chain

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Okay peoples, this one shot was requested by @osanasuzya I had kind of wanted to do this, so thanks. Remember, if you have a request for a story I will not be checking anywhere but the chapter that I ACTUALLY MADE FOR PEOPLE'S REQUESTS! Ok i'm done now LET THE ONE SHOT BEGIN!!!! Also, all one-shots will be related to one bigger story, so if you don't read one, you are neglecting part of the story. BYE!!!

-Halo (pumped up Author-chan)

*Tom pov*

I have been waiting for this for so long ................................................................................................ ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I FINALLY GET TO TAKE Y/N TO A BALL!!!!!! (yeesh Tom, calm down) I know I will not get a lot of opportunities to do anything really with y/n. So I thought that this might be fun. If Marco left us alone for about a few hours. I am now noticing how impossible that might be. Well I don't care. I am taking y/n to the ball and nothing will stop me!!! Now the only problem is where am I going to take her? I told her to meet me at the park and to wear a fancy dress. That must've sounded weird. Then it hit me! The flower dimension (don't judge this place will keep coming up) has it's ball in celebration of the first bloom of spring, then the ball begins. It's the perfect place. We both know the place so well, and y/n loves it there. I then realized that I had 1 hour to get ready for the ball. Dangit.

*y/n pov*

Tom told me to meet him in the park for some unknown reason, and he told me to wear a fancy dress. So I picked a random dress that Star had made for me with her magic (pic above) and set out to find my prince charming. Hopefully I wouldn't have to act like a damsel in distress. I hate doing that. Anyway I told Star and she started fangirling like crazy.

"Tom wants to take you out?!!? On a date?!?!" Star was jumping around my room frantically. She seemed so pumped up.

"Yes, and I need you to make sure that Marco is away from us and doesn't ruin the date." I made sure she understood.

"Okay, I have the perfect night. First I am going to take him to that ba-" I cut her off, not really caring about what she did with Marco. As long as he leaves us alone.

"Star, I don't really care, as long as Marco doesn't interrupt this date." I made another point.

"Okay. I totally understand. I can do that." Fire then swirled around my room, and Tom came out, wearing a white tux. He stared at me and my dress for a while, he probably didn't know what to do or say. Star then got out of my room, somehow Tom didn't see her.

"Y-y/ look.........." Tom was at a loss for words and it was kind of cute.

"Tom, you're drooling again." I playfully pointed out. Making him blush more red than the flames he casually made.

"Wha- NO I'M NOT!" Tom still was blushing. (No he didn't blow up. He would never blow up at his beloved Reader-chan)

He then stood at the edge of my window (apparently you now have a 2 story house, if you do then yay you) and started a real cliche. From one of your favorite movies when you were a kid. He held out his hand and asked

"Do you trust me?" (Anyone get the reference?) He looked kind of cute while he was doing this.

"Yes." I took his hand and he jumped off the window ledge. (Please tell me someone gets the reference)

It was kind of paralyzing, but I had Tom with me, so that made me feel a little better. People would think it was crazy, a pre-teen and a demon jumping out a window. But we jumped into a portal and Tom softly landed on a flower patch on a hill. I knew exactly where we were. We were in the flower dimension. Tom was staring at me with soft, kind of bigger eyes.

"Tom.... what are we doing here?" I finally spoke, breaking Tom from his trance.

"There was going to be a ball here tonight, follow me." He took my hand and we crossed several tiny hills. Coming across a huge ball. People from many different dimensions were here, dancing and chatting and eating and having an overall good time.

"Tom, how did you know about this?" I really wanted to know. He had somehow known that there was a ball right in the same location where he confessed his love for me. The thought warmed my heart and Tom could probably see it. I tried to move, but it wouldn't work. Tom probably noticed, resulting in him picking me up bridal style and carrying me all the way down the hill while planting kisses all over my face.

"You awake yet?" Tom started joking. I planted a kiss on his cheek and he froze for a second. My turn now.

"Did you wake up?" I teased him back.

He smirked at this and we walked in. I then realized 2 familiar faces in the crowd. Please not now! Any time but now! Marco! Star! Leave us alone please! Yep! The people were Marco and Star. I should've paid attention to Star when she tried to tell me what her and Marco were doing. WHY!?!?

"Y/n!? What are you doing here with Tom??!?!!" This is not going to end well.

*Marco pov*

I was with Star in the flower dimension for the First Bloom Ball. All of a sudden, I saw y/n and Tom in the crowd. I immediately called out to y/n to find out whatever the heck they were doing here.

"Y/n!? What are you doing here with Tom??!?!!" I saw her turn her head as her expression turned from happiness to a 'why the heck is he here?' Look as she saw me. I walked over to her and Tom, and they looked like they didn't want to see me at all.

"I am here for the ball, because Tom brought me." Why would she even want to be here? They are going to be in so much trouble. I know I am acting like I am y/n's mom or something, but i'm just looking out for her. To help. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is.

*Tom pov*

How can I not take y/n anywhere? What is with Marco always showing up and ruining it? Is that too much to ask? Thats it! Imma kinda blow up at him. (I've been wanting to do this for a looooong time)

"Marco! Why do you always ruin y/n and I's dates? It's not like we ever invaded your guys' privacy!! Since when can you boss y/n around?" I needed to get that out forever.

"I am trying to be a good friend to y/n!!! I'm TRYING to not have her heart broken!!" He spat back.

*y/n pov*

While Tom and Marco were arguing, Star and I went to go get some food at the snack table. It was stuffed with cookies and cake. Star and I grabbed as many as possible, but quickly stopped when we saw flames coming from where the boys were. Tom just blew up at Marco and now everyone else was panicking and running away screaming. I walked up to Tom and wrapped my arms around his neck. He the flames died down as hos curiosity grew. I leaned in and passionately kissed him. He kissed back. This went on for a good 10 seconds before we heard a random voice.

"Are you the ones that made this mess?" He said, referring to the ball. Everything was burned or smashed.

"Yes." Tom said.

"GET OUT!!! YOU 4 ARE BANNED FROM EVER ATTENDING A BALL IN THIS DIMENSION EVER AGAIN!!!" With that the angry dude stormed off and we left. I was not talking to Marco. Forget that I need to yell at him.

"Marco!! What the heck was that?!!? You made Tom explode and ruined everything!"

"I was just trying to help-" I cut him off, not wanting to hear it.

"I don't need your help. I already have a hero, I just needed a friend. But apparently Marco Diaz wants everything HIS WAY!!! You don't care if you hurt anyone else, all that matters is that you get to be overprotective!!

Too lazy, sorry basically Marco wont bother you about going out with Tom anymore, sorry i'm tired.

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