First Day of 3 Weeks

639 17 25

Welp part 2
Hope this doesn't take that long to write so I can make the deadline and i really hope that it doesnt take until New Years eve until I finish the Christmas day part. Oh god I hope this works


*Y/n pov*

I had finished packing and waited for Tom to pick me up. I was really excited, but still kind of nervous at the same time. This was my first vacation without my parents.... I don't want to blow it....

Tom's famous fire swirl appeared in my room and he came out with Star and Marco with him, also. They all had luggage and seemed calm doing this... ask Marco was a little tense but Star was almost bouncing up and down.

"Hey y/n. Ready to go??" Tom asked just to be sure.

"Yeah.... LETS DO THIS!!" I shouted and stood next to Tom. He teleported us to the beach. I almost started running to jump into the water. But Tom grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Not there, y/n...." Tom said as he looked to the other direction. There was a huge cruise ship (i cant think rn) I slightly panicked thinking about how we would be on the water for 3 weeks on Christmas AND New Years. It almost made my stomach turn. Tom reassuringly grabbed my hand and squeezed it a little bit for comfort.

"Tom....." I said, slightly having to look up at him.

"Yes y/n??" He had to look down a little bit.... WHY?!

"Are we going to stay on that ship for 3 weeks??" I asked, motioning toward the cruise ship.

"Yes. Is that a problem y/n??" Tom asked, looking slightly concerned for me.

"Not really, Tom... Just wanted to make sure so i could run to it this time." I said as I started to run up to the ship. Tom followed and Star and Marco ran after us, too. When we got on the ship we were trying to find our room.

I gaped at the tiny, elegant room before me and immediately flopped onto the bed

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I gaped at the tiny, elegant room before me and immediately flopped onto the bed. Tom started laughing and Star did the same as Marco looked around.

"Uh... where are our beds??" He said, looking at Tom.

"We're going to be sharing beds. I was planning on being with y/n. Don't you want to be with Star?" Tom answered, looking at Marco as if he had never met him.

"Well its not that... I just want them to be comfortable... and I feel like this is kind of.. intrusive??" Marco said, trying to avoid everyone's gaze. As Star sat up in the bed and hugged a pink cloud shaped pillow that she brought with her. Marco walked up to the bed and sat next to her, accepting defeat and the fact the he would be sleeping next to Star for 3 weeks straight.

"Hey, Tom, what are we gonna do when we finish unpacking. Cuz I finished and i'm bored." I said as I flopped onto my bed once more. 

"Well we can walk around the ship if you want, y/n. And how did you finish unpacking that fast??" Tom looked at me, puzzled by my unpacking skills.

"Simple. You lay everything out on your bed in front of you and put everything in 5 at a time and figure out how to organize it while you're walking over to the drawers." I said as if it were no big deal. It took about five minutes for everyone else to finish unpacking, then we went out to explore the ship.

There wasn't a lot we could do at the time considering it's still cold because we were barely leaving the port and weren't close enough to the equator to be warm so all there was to do was pretty much walk, talk, and eat. There were really good desserts, though. By the time we were almost done exploring we had seen a couple of animals in small kennels that a lady was trying to give out on the boat. There were cats and dogs. My eyes lit up when I saw them and Tom noticed, as he walked up to the lady and talked with her for a bit. I quickly followed to see what Tom was saying.

"Well, then... no one really wanted them, and I can't keep them forever." The lady was saying "So I might as well make sure they get good homes where they'll be taken care of." Tom had a small smile on his face.

"Well I was about to ask if I could get one for my girlfriend, here." Tom said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in for a half hug. "She seems to like them." 

"Now what would you like, miss" she asked, gesturing to the different kennels. "A cat or a dog??"

"uh.." I said, not sure

Ok so I suck a terrible person I still had 3 weeks and now its Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of you and the reason I didn't publish an ask/dare chapter yet is because there's only 1 more ask so if I need more asks now don't be shy

Also imma hav a vote for either a cat or a dog and whichever gets the most votes in 2 days wins and will be put in the story that's all for now BYEM!!!


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