Your Anniversary Plans

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Hey i wrote a chapter :D welp on to le story


*y/n pov*

Today was a week away from Tom and i's anniversary, also a week away from Christmas eve. I know that Tom is going to do something really over the top and I don't know if I want him to worry himself that much. But the only way to stop him from going overboard is by avoiding him. And since that is impossible to do, considering that he is a demon that can TELEPORT there really isn't anywhere to hide from him. So I decided to ask Star for help. And i'm in my pajamas so I'm just gonna text her.

Text rules:

Star: Bold

y/n: Italic


Hey Star can i ask u something??

Yeah what is it

Do you know how i can get Tom to NOT go overboard

Nope hes unstoppable


u might be able to go with your parents on vacation this year

nope they arent going on vacation they dont hav the money this year

well idk what else to tell u

me either

good luck


*********Text end*********

I put my phone away and stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out how to stop Tom from going overboard. And as if right on cue, a fire swirl came out from right in front of my closet. Tom soon following.

"Hey y/n guess what i have planned for our anniversary..." Tom said in a childish voice

(like when a 5-year old says "i know something you dont~")

"I don't know, Tom, what is it" I asked, grabbing a pillow and sitting up in my bed.

"How would you feel about taking a vacation, just you, me, Star, and Marco so your parents don't think that i'm trying to do anything" He said while putting his hands up slightly in defense.

"Ok" I know if he invites Star and Marco then he won't have to go overboard as much as he usually does. "Can I tell them??" I wanted to make sure that they would help me.

"Ok, just make sure that they are packed up by tomorrow and we will be on the vacation until Christmas and be back in time for New Years." Wait what?

"We're gonna be on vacation for 3 weeks?!" I asked, slightly shocked. "Not even my parents would ever take a vacation that long." I said, surprise very audible in my voice.

"Calm down y/n... It's only 3 weeks." He tried to say in a calming tone, but he couldn't keep the anxiety out of his voice.

"3 weeks is a long time Tom." I said, slightly calmer than before.

"Ok I guess I should give you some time to think about it then" he said as he summoned another swirl of fire to teleport him back home.

*tiny timeskip*

Text rules





Wait...3 WEEKS?!?!


well i better start packing!!!!

Star! We are going to be who knows where with Tom for 2 weeks!! Why are you happy?!

Forget that!! How are we going to get our parents to agree to that?!

y/n my parents SENT me here i dont think that a vacation will bother her

i mean MY parents Star

and mine

Oh yeah.... right ^-^

We need a plan to get them to agree
Well we might be able to if we play our cards right

ill  grab my wand!!

Star, no magic


We need to nail this cuz I really wanna go

But what are we supposed to do?!

We can just say a school trip

But they'll check...

We can get Janna to help!!!

Yeah shell help us!!

Ok so we have a plan

He'll yeah we do!!

Ill text Janna

Ok well imma start packing BYEM!!!

I guess Ill be packing too now

Yes you will, Marco!!

See ya when you get out of your room


*text end*

*the plan worked and i need to get this done fast Srry

Crap I got sick and forgot about this!! Welp time to Binge-write!!!!


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