barry allen & julian albert preference

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Your POV
"Barry, are you done?" You ask your boyfriend. "Almost," he replies. You sigh. For the fastest man on Earth he's very slow at filling out papers.

You were in his lab at the Precinct. Julian had already left, and it was just you and him. Barry was finishing up some papers on a case from earlier that day. You had asked why he wasn't using his super speed to quicken up the process, but he didn't want to mess up the process.

You walked over to him and pulled up a roller chair. "Are you done now?" You asked with a smile. You thought you sounded like a three year old, whining to their mother. "Again, almost," Barry replied. You huff and sink lower into the chair.

You yawn, it was a little passed ten thirty, and it's been a long day. "Tired?" Barry asks. You nod. "Come here," he says with a smile.

You sit with your legs across him and your head on the arm of the chair. You adjust your head so it's on his shoulder. It almost looks like he was cradling a baby, but you both didn't mind.

"Comfortable?" Barry asks. You nod with a smile. He chuckles, "good. I'm almost done. After this we can go straight home."

"Okay," you respond tiredly. You close your eyes. Sleep starts to come over you, and you fall to sleep.

Barry's POV
"Done!" I exclaim. Y/N makes no sound. "Y/N?" I say softly. I turn to the side and notice she fell asleep on my shoulder. I smile to myself, she looks adorable sleeping.

I quickly clean up my space, but try not to wake her up. I file the case and shut down my computer.

Slowly and carefully, I pick Y/N up and hold her bridal style. Then I speed to out apartment.

I change her into one of my t-shirt's and a pair of shorts and tuck her into our bed. I then change and climb in next to her. I turn off the lamp and close my eyes.

"You know," Y/N whispers, "I'm very well capable of changing myself." I blush. "I, er, thought you were asleep." She laughs softly, "It's okay. Thank you." I smile. "You're so very welcome."

"And if you think someone can sleep while moving a thousand miles an hour, you're crazy," she says. I laugh, "I guess I should've thought of that."

I faintly see her smile in the dark. I wrap my arms around her and gently kiss the back of her forehead.

"Goodnight, Barry."

"Night, Y/N."

(438 words)

Your POV
You were currently at your boyfriends apartment. You were both laying close to each other on the couch, your head resting on Julian's chest.

"Which film do you want to watch?" Julian asks. You shrug, "I don't know, Mean Girls."

"Um, no. What genre? No chick flicks please,"

"What? Are you too manly for that?" You say with a smirk. He chuckles. "Uh, it's kinda late for action movies. Even though those are my favorite."

"Y/N, it's nine thirty."

"Yes, but it'll be eleven by the time it's over." Julian chuckles and kisses your forehead. "Whatever you want."

You two finally decide on a movie and click play. During the movie Julian would run his fingers through your hair.

He loves to do this, but he doesn't know why. Something about it just calms him.

Of course, if makes you feel at calm as well. Eventually, the movie fades out and you drift to sleep.

Julian's POV
I continued to run my fingers through Y/N's hair. I noticed her breathing slowed, and I lightly say her name, "Y/N? Are you asleep?" No response. "I guess you are then," I mumble to myself.

I take a minute and just look over her. Her hair was spread out over my chest, and her Y/E/C eyes were closed. Her lips were lightly pressed together and her hands were resting on her stomach.

In other words, she looks beautiful.

She was wearing my City of London police shirt, and I quite rather like it when she wears it than I. I used to work there when I lived in London, but I moved to Central City to fully fulfill my dream.

And it looks like when I moved here, I accomplished more than one thing.

I found a best friend, a girl that any man would want. And now she's sleeping in my arms, on my sofa, in my flat.

I smile to myself and kiss her forehead.

Hallelujah for Central City.

(338 words)


Ooh I loved writing this!
Sorry for not updating. I have volleyball tournaments every weekend starting last week till April, so I'm sorta busy. We were finalists!

Also, if there's a grammar mistake, TELL ME! Yes, I am encouraging you to be that person.

I hope everyone is enjoying this so far. I'll stop with the annoying author's notes soon.

Vote and comment please!

Happy reading!

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