highschool *no reader pov*

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Main idea- so Iris and Barry went to school together, right? So imagine them just walking to their classes or something. It'll just be them, no other reader :)

Barry's POV
"Come on Barry, it's the last day!" Iris said. She was trying to convince me to skip gym since it's our last day as high schoolers. She knows I hate gym, so it's totally unfair.

Plus she could convince me to do everything, but I doubt she knows why.

I sigh. "Fine. Let's go," I say, all ready regretting my decision.

"Yes! Trust me, it's totally worth it."

"You've done this before?!" I ask, surprised. Who am I kidding, it's Iris.

"Uh, no," she denies. I smirk, "Sure."

"Please don't tell my dad! He'll be pissed!" I laugh, "Fine. I won't tell Joe."

"Thanks Bar-"

"On one condition," I interrupt. She groans, "The condition is..?"

I think quickly. Maybe I could get her to kiss me? Wait, no. That's way to forward. Um, what about she..um..she, uh could...

"Buy me food," I blurt out. God, Barry, what the hell was that?!

Iris looks at me weirdly. "Uh sure, what would you like?" She asks.

"Um, what do you want?" She rolls her eyes, "I'm buying for you, not me."

"Yeah but I'm not hungry."

"Then why the heck did you ask for food?"

"I didn't know what to say!"

Iris bursts out laughing, "Alright, I'll buy us a bag of Doritos from the vending machine and we can share. Deal?"

I smile awkwardly, "Deal."

We walk outside with chips in our hands.

"That was easier than I thought," I said. I figured we had to sneak out but no, we just walked right outside the door.

"Barry, we go to a public school. They don't exactly care about the students," Iris scoffs.

"That's a lovely thought. Let's go somewhere," I say, trying to change topic.

We hop into her car.

"Where would you like to go?" Iris asks.

I think for a moment. "How about the park? We can walk around if you'd like," I suggested.


She drove us to the park and parked. (That's a handful). We got out and started to walk around.

"Have you figured out what your going or so in college?" I ask her, trying to make conversation.

"I'm thinking about writing. Like being a journalist or something," Iris answers.

"I can see you doing that," I reply.

"What about you? Oh wait, don't tell me. A forensic scientist?"

I laugh. "How'd ya know?"

Iris laughs and shrugs, "Lucky guess. It's not like you've talked about it before."

"Yeah. I don't really like expressing my love for science," I say jokingly.

"Oh yes, I was so surprised when you wanted to get a degree in science."

We laughed. "We're so weird," Iris says, flicking her long, dark hair. "Yeah," I trail off. I look at her, I hope she doesn't notice.

Lean in. Kiss her!

I shake my head, she doesn't feel the same way and she never will.

"Barry? You okay?" Iris asks worriedly.

I blink a few times. "Huh? Oh yeah! Totally great. What time is it? I don't want to miss algebra." Iris smiles and rolls her eyes. "The point was to miss the rest of the day." I grin and shrug. "I guess I'm not the best choice to skip class with."

"Hey, I'd skip class with your any day," Iris says.

"You'd skip class for any reason any day," I smile.

Iris laughs. "True. C'mon, your nerd class is almost starting." I smile and roll my eyes.

Wow. That was TRASH. Oh well. You guys are lucky enough to even get an update. I'm having SERIOUS writers block. (Or should I say, SIRIUS?)

But guys, I'm dead sirius. (Ok, ok. I'll stop.)

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Happy reading! :)

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