julian albert

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Imagine you're Cisco's younger sister and you want to date Julian.

"I promise, he's not that bad!" You argue.

At the moment, you're trying to convince Cisco to let Julian take you out on a date. Things aren't going well so far.

"But he's such an ass! What do you even see in him?" Cisco asks. You groan. "He's nice! Kind, caring, supportive. What has he ever done against you?" You ask. You watch your older brother thing for a moment.

"Well, er, nothing! Okay, good point. But he's still annoying." You sigh, "He's not annoying. Just, awkward. But he's working on that." Cisco scoffs, "Yeah, I'd say." You sigh.

"Please, Cisco," you practically beg.

He sighs. "Fine. But don't stay out to late, and don't do anything. You're still young." He says the last part with a sly smile.

"Cisco!" You exclaim, wide eyed.

He puts his hands up in defense. "I'm being an older brother. Someone has to do it."

You roll your eyes. "Thanks. I'll see ya later."

You walk out of the room before he could say anything and go get ready.

You weren't sure where Julian was taking you, but he said the 'place' was semi formal.

You put on a mid thigh length black dress that showed your shoulders and some black heels. Julian was quite taller than you, so you weren't worried about height.

You curled your hair and left it down and did your makeup. You wanted to go for a more natural look, so you just put on a light eyeshadow and mascara. You put on some chap stick, but you'll probably lick it back off.

You grab your purse and phone right as your doorbell rings. You quickly go to the door and open it.

"Hey," you greet Julian.

"Hello," he says, greeting you back. He eyes you up and down. "You look beautiful," he comments. You blush, "Thanks."

He takes your arm and walks you to his car. He opens the door and you get inside. He walks to the other side and starts the car.

"Where are we going?" You ask him. He grins, "It's a surprise."

Julian pulls next to the side of a small hill. You look at him questionably. He grins and opens your door.

"Okay, now I'm really confused," you state. He chuckles. "You'll see. Close your eyes."

You do as he says and gladly take his hand. He guides you up then down the hill.

After a few minutes of walking, he stops.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." You open your eyes.

You were in calm field. On the ground lays a blanket with a few lit candles and a picnic basket.

"Wow," You said.

"So, do you like it? Sorry if it's a bit too much. We can go get a regular dinner if-"

"Julian," You interrupt him. "It's perfect!" You stand on your tippy toes and lightly kiss him on the cheek.

"Though I wish I wore better shoes," you say, frowning. Walking up and down hills in heels wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world.

Julian chuckles. "Sorry, love. You can just take them off if it's easier."

You both sit on the blanket and you take off your shoes and your feet instantly felt better.

He took out two glasses and a bottle of wine from the basket.

"Some wine?" Julian asks. You laugh, "Sure."
He pours both of you a glass and raises his glass.

"To us." You smile and lift your glass. "To us."


You both had finished your dinners and were currently on the ground laying side by side looking at the sky.

"The stars are bright tonight," You comment.
"Yeah, they're beautiful too," Julian agrees.

You both turn on your sides so your facing each other. Julian softly grabs your head and you both lean in.

Your lips touch softly and smoothly. You savored the moment, and Julian did too.

You finally break apart and smile. Julian smiles back. You place your head in his chest and he places his head on top of yours.

"Thanks, Julian," You say softly.

He lightly kisses your forehead. "Anytime."

Omg sorry it took so long for me to update! Volleyball consumes my life.

Anyway, THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALMOST 1000 READS! Can we get to 1K? I know we can! :)

Love you all!

Happy reading! :)

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