marvel/DC crossover contest

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"It'll be fun, Barry, I promise!"

Barry didn't think traveling through space at expeditious speeds to a scientifically unknown planet really counted as fun, but his friend was practically begging him to go. Besides, the planet was unheard of to people on earth.

Barry sighs. "Alright." Kara grins brightly and the two get ready to leave.

An hour later, Barry and Kara are waving goodbye to their friends at STAR Laboratory. Promising they'll stay safe, Kara grabs Barry's shoulder and together they ascend into the sky.

Barry screams as they soar out of earth's atmosphere, the oxygen tank in his suit allowing him to breathe. Kara looks down at Barry and laughs.

During the time Kara was looking downwards, she hadn't realized that she had accidentally gone off course. A dark planet looms over them and by the time she had realized what happened, it was too late.

Barry and Kara collide into the ominous planet's surface, tumbling a few feet before finally stopping. Barry groans, attempting to stand up. Kara, unfazed, helps him on his feet.

"I don't smell the cinnamon," Barry says. Kara rolls her eyes. "So, this is Starhaven?" He jokes, grinning.

Kara groans with frustration. "No! I don't know where we are."

The two examine their surroundings. Up ahead, there seemed to be remains of a large castle. Now debris was scattered everywhere, a thin layer of frost covering it all.

Kara uses her vision to look through the debris. "See anything?" Barry asks. Kara just shakes her head. "I'm going to get a look at what's around," Barry says, running away.

Barry runs around and through the debris, seeing if perhaps the peculiar planet had any inhabitants.

Kara flies through the ceiling and lands next to Barry, causing him to jump. Kara snickers at her friend's fright.

"Don't make so much noise!" Barry whispers harshly. "We don't know what could be here."

Kara rolls her eyes. "You're too paranoid. This planet is deserted, nothing has been here for years."

In the distance, a large rock falls to the ground and breaks into pieces. Kara's and Barry's eyes widen in fear. "If nothing has been here for years, what do you think caused that to fall?" Barry asks.

The two go back to back as the ground begins to shake slightly. Kara uses her vision to see, and she did not like what she saw.

"Is that a giant?" She mutters.

"A what?"

Barry didn't need an answer because as soon as he asked, the said giant bursts through the stone.


Loki rolls his eyes at his brother's idiocy. "Can't you get it through your thick skull that maybe I'm not interested?"

"But, brother, you'd make a remarkable avenger! You owe much to earth, remember?" Thor adds.

Loki sighs. "Why must you always play that card?"

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